Educational/professional background
I am a medical doctor with an MB ChB degree from Ghana and a public health professional with an MSc Public Health for Development from LSHTM courtesy to the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship and the Alan & Nesta Ferguson Scholarship from LSHTM. I have over 7 years of experience managing chronic and infectious diseases among patients in rural Ghana. Additionally, I have experience with clinical trials having worked 6 years as a clinical research physician on the GSK RTS, S Malaria Vaccine Trial at the Malaria Centre at Agogo Presbyterian Hospital.
What I enjoyed most about studying my programme/at LSHTM
LSHTM and MSc Public Health for Development offered substantial and diverse modules taught by industry specialists, which have provided me with the necessary tools and skills to understand, confront, and influence public health challenges in LMIC settings. I enjoyed our cohort students' diversity and experience, which facilitated real-world peer learning. Contact and coffee time with our Program Director was also fantastic.
What I have been doing since graduating
I have been the clinical lead and Public Health expert on our district's Maternal and Perinatal Mortality Audit team, evaluating all mortalities affecting pregnant women and new-borns, identifying pitfalls, and recommending policies and protocols to improve the quality of care provided.
I also oversaw the development and implementation of an online referral system for our district's catchment areas to our maternal and neonatal intensive care unit and speciality care for rapid response to obstetric and neonatal emergencies.
I have gained an MPhil/PhD Studentship position at the University of Exeter and started in September 2023.