Samuel Mukendi
Student | Distance learning | Democratic Republic of the Congo, South AfricaInfectious Diseases by Distance Learning
Contact Samuel Mukendi
Educational/ professional background
I was born in DR Congo where I started my undergraduate studies and later moved to South Africa to complete my bachelor’s degree in biomedical technology. I am currently in my third year MSc Infectious Diseases by distance learning with LSHTM. I worked in a virology lab for several years before moving to a training institution as a facilitator-Medical Technologist. Currently, I am working for a Biotech company as an application specialist- Molecular Diagnostics.
Research interests or career goals
I am Interested in infectious disease strategies to combat infections such as HIV, TB, Malaria, and cholera. So, my focus is on host and pathogen interaction to be able not only to establish appropriate control programs but also to develop diagnostic tests, vaccines, or antibodies to be used as infectious disease control measures.
Why I chose LSHTM
Based on its international reputation in tropical medicine, LSHTM is the institution that will help me attain my research goal in disease control. Moreover, the flexible distance learning at LSHTM will help me complete my studies whilst working. I live in South Africa, but I am originally from DR Congo. Hence, if needed feel free to reach out to me in French as well.