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Sayuri Pillay

Sayuri Pillay

Student | Distance learning | South Africa

Public Health by Distance Learning

Contact Sayuri Pillay
Sayuri Pillay

Educational/professional background

  • Medical undergraduate degree (MBChB – University of Pretoria, 2015)
  • Postgraduate diploma in tropical medicine and hygiene (DTMH – University of Witwatersrand, 2019)
  • Postgraduate diploma in child healthcare (DCH – College of Medicine South Africa, 2019)
  • Currently, specialising in public health medicine (PHM registrar) whilst completing a master’s in medicine in community health/ public health medicine through the University of Witwatersrand (2020 – Present)
  • Member of the Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) and Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)

Research interests or career goals

My interests lie in the following areas:

  • Health services management
  • Health policy
  • Health protection
  • Maternal and child health
  • Humanitarian health

Currently I am completing two research projects, one in the field of healthcare management and the other in preventative medicine and vaccinology.

Why I chose LSHTM/my programme

I chose to study at LSHTM because it is a world-renowned institution and a top university with regards to teaching public health. I wanted to expand my network and an opportunity to learn about public health by distance learning on a global scale with examples and experiences from high- as well as low- and middle-income countries, which LSHTM provides.

Since I am working full time while pursuing this degree, I also wanted an option that allowed me to study in my own time and at a self-determined pace. The distance learning programme allows for that and provides outstanding study materials and lectures which are readily available and easy to access.

Any extra information

If you need advice on juggling a full-time job with your part-time studies or anything else, please do reach out! I’d be happy to share my experiences and what’s helped me along the way.

Contact Sayuri Pillay

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