
Support for staff and students during times of crisis and conflict

At times of international crisis that may affect our staff and students, the welfare of our community is our first priority.

Unfortunately, humanitarian crises and conflicts are a frequent and tragic feature of our world. As a global institution with diverse networks and partnerships around the world, we seek to ensure all members of our community are supported in their work and their wellbeing.

If LSHTM staff or their immediate family members are affected by a crisis or conflict in any way, we encourage you to speak to your line manager and remind you that our School’s Employee Assistance Programme (internal) is available, offering free, confidential, 24/7 support, including counselling sessions and a range of support and self-help resources.

For students, LSHTM’s Student Support Services team (internal) are available and can offer one-to-one appointments via telephone/Zoom and other online resources.

The Chaplaincy (internal) is also available to support the spiritual, religious and emotional wellbeing of LSHTM staff and students of all faiths and none.

As one of the world's leading public health universities, we have a role in looking at how conflicts and crises impact health and healthcare needs, and to rapidly provide our expertise wherever needed. Our humanitarian values mean we are committed to the preservation of human life and for minimal harm to come to people and communities.

LSHTM, as an institution, does not take a formal position on political matters, and this includes not making organisational statements on the political aspects of crises and conflict. Where there are diverse opinions on a conflict, we ask that all members of our community approach discussions in appropriate settings with empathy and sensitivity. Neither harassment nor intimidation based on religious or cultural beliefs is acceptable and LSHTM has rigorous processes for handling any such incidents.

Whenever a major crisis or conflict emerges we will be contacting those affected to make them aware of specific support that is available, as well as sharing updates with our community through direct communications such as email, newsletters, and intranet posts.