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Open Study accessibility testing report

Accessibility testing report for

Sample pages/courses were selected for testing, based upon their importance to LSHTM Moodle users and represent the general level of accessibility.

Additional testing was carried out after the upgrade to Moodle 4.1 and again following a theme update in July 2024. The site was tested using the WAVE accessibility testing tool and Accessibility Test.

We intend to refer errors/alerts relating to Moodle core features to our Moodle host provider for further recommendations by September 2024.

Pages tested with the WAVE accessibility testing tool

Log in screen

Open Study at LSHTM VLE:

Errors reported: 

  • Broken skip link: A skip navigation link exists, but the target for the link does not exist or the link is not keyboard accessible.
  • Broken ARIA menu: An ARIA menu does not contain required menu items. This affects the “More” menu dropdown
  • Contrast errors (2 instances): These affect the “next” and “previous” buttons of the image carousel and relate to the Moodle theme

Alerts reported: 

  • Suspicious alternative text (site-wide): This affects the logo
  • Long alternative text (2 instances): These affect the “Pre-arrival materials” boxes
  • Redundant title text (4 instances): These affect the Hide navigation and Show navigation buttons, the Forum navicon, and the user profile picture.
  • YouTube video present: Embedded video or audio should be accompanied by synchronised captioning and availability of captions should be established.

Home page (logged in)

Open Study at LSHTM VLE:

Errors reported: 

  • Empty links (site-wide, 3 instances): these affect the Messaging block 
  • Broken ARIA menu (site-wide): affects the Moodle dialogue section (site-wide)
  • Contrast errors (2 instances): These affect the “next” and “previous” buttons of the image carousel and relate to the Moodle theme 

Alerts reported: 

  • Redundant alternative text (20 instances)
  • Suspicious alternative text (site-wide): this affects the logo
  • Long alternative text  (2 instances): These affect the “Pre-arrival materials” boxes
  • Fieldset missing legend
  • Skipped heading level
  • Redundant link (2 instances)
  • Non-script element
  • Redundant title text  (12 instances)
  • YouTube video present: Embedded video or audio should be accompanied by synchronised captioning and availability of captions should be established.

Dashboard (logged in)

Errors reported: 

  • Empty links (site-wide, 3 instances): these affect the Messaging block 
  • Broken ARIA menu (site-wide): affects the Moodle dialogue section (site-wide)
  • Contrast error

Alerts reported: 

  • Suspicious alternative text (site-wide): this affects the logo
  • Missing first level heading
  • Skipped heading level (2 instances)
  • Redundant links (4 instances)
  • Redundant title text (13 instances)

Courses (logged in)

Errors reported: 

  • Empty links (site-wide, 3 instances): these affect the Messaging block 
  • Broken ARIA menu (site-wide): affects the Moodle dialogue section (site-wide)
  • Contrast error

Alerts reported: 

  • Redundant alternative text 
  • Suspicious alternative text (site-wide): this affects the logo
  • Missing first level heading (site-wide)
  • Skipped heading level (site-wide)
  • Redundant link (site-wide)
  • Redundant title text (11 instances) (site-wide)

Events (logged in)

Errors reported: 

  • Empty links (site-wide, 3 instances): these affect the Messaging block 
  • Broken ARIA menu (site-wide): affects the Moodle dialogue section (site-wide)

Alerts reported: 

  • Suspicious alternative text (site-wide): this affects the logo
  • Missing first level heading (site-wide)
  • Skipped heading level (site-wide)
  • Redundant link (site-wide)
  • Redundant title text (11 instances) (site-wide)

Example open access course

Good Clinical Practice:

Errors reported (excluding site-wide errors mentioned previously): 

  • Empty heading (2 instances):  Present in specific course sections. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Very low contrast (4 instances):  Affecting a specific paragraph and sentences added to several course sections. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators

Alerts reported (excluding site wide alerts mentioned previously): 

  • Redundant alternative text (6 instances): Affecting the following Moodle core feature - ‘Activities’ block links, ‘Participants’ section. Refer to Moodle host provider.
  • Skipped heading level: Present within certain course sections. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Redundant link:  Present within a certain course section. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Underlined text: Affecting an empty section of a specific course section. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators
  • Redundant title text (42 instances): Affecting the following Moodle core features – main-navbar links, editing button, beadcrumb trail,view/hide administration block toggle button, custom certificate icon andActivities block. Refer to Moodle host provider.

Example opens access course

Programming for Nutrition Outcomes:

Errors reported (excluding site wide errors mentioned previously): 

  • Missing alternative text: Affecting an image within the HTML block and an image within a course section.  We intend to continue to provide accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators, and where practicable add missing text descriptions as soon as possible. 
  • Empty heading:  Affecting a hidden course section. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.

Alerts reported (excluding site wide alerts mentioned  previously): 

  • Suspicious alternative text: Affecting images added to course sections. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Skipped heading level: Present within certain course sections. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Possible heading:  Present within a certain course section. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Redundant link: Affecting link to creative commons licence added to a specific course section. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators and where practicable remove redundant links as soon as possible. 
  • Very small text:  Affecting certain sentences within course sections and the following Moodle core features - ‘Hidden from students’ labels, ‘Restricted’ labels and ‘contact-request-count - aria label’. We intend to modify the current Moodle theme where practicable, continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators and refer to Moodle host provider.
  • Redundant title text (40 instances): Affecting the following Moodle core features – main-navbar links, editing button, ‘Breadcrumb beadcrumb trail’,,view/hide administration block toggle button, custom certificate icon and ‘View only’ section toggle button icon and ‘Activities’ block. Refer to Moodle host provider.

Example Open Educational Resources course (OER)

Health in Humanitarian Crises OER:

Errors reported (excluding site wide errors/alerts mentioned previously): 

  • None reported.

Alerts reported (excluding site wide alerts mentioned previously): 

  • Suspicious alternative text: Affecting image resources added to the course page.  We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Skipped heading level: Present within certain course sections.  We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Redundant title text (21 instances): Affecting the following Moodle core features – main-navbar links, editing button, ‘Breadcrumb beadcrumb trail’,,view/hide administration block toggle button, custom certificate icon and ‘View only’ section toggle button icon and ‘Activities’ block. Refer to Moodle host provider.
  • YouTube embedded video:  Present within a certain course section.  Embedded video or audio should be accompanied by synchronised captioning and availability of captions should be established.   We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators. 

Example Open Educational Resources course (OER)

Ebola in Context OER:

Errors reported (excluding site wide errors/alerts mentioned within the home page sections): 

  • None reported.

Alerts reported (excluding site wide alerts mentioned within the home page section): 

  • Suspicious alternative text: Affecting image resources added to the course page.  We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.
  • Skipped heading level: Present within certain course sections. We intend to continue accessibility guidance and training for academics/course administrators.

Pages tested with

Log in screen

A total of 2753 tests were run and there were 74 failures with an 11 second scan time. The overall score for the site was 84%.

Using AudioEye - a total of 213 tests were run and there were 9 failures. The following were reported:

  • Detected a Link with No Text Content.
  • Hyperlink Text containing "link" causes AT Redundancy.
  • Link Image Alt is a Placeholder.
  • Detected a top-level landmark nested within another landmark.
  • An element with an ARIA role is missing a required child element. 

Using Axe - a total of 999 tests were run and there were 15 failures. The following were reported:

  • Aria-hidden elements do not contain focusable elements.
  • Complementary landmarks and/or asides are top level.
  • Landmarks must have a unique role or role/label/title (i.e. accessible name) combination.
  • All page content must be contained by landmarks.