Addressing intersectional stigma in HIV testing interventions with refugee and displaced youth: lessons learned in urban and refugee-settlement humanitarian settings in Uganda

Knowledge gaps persist regarding stigma-informed HIV testing programs for refugee youth. This talk will present mixed-methods findings from research with urban (Kampala) and refugee-settlement (Bidi Bidi) refugee youth in Uganda on how intersectional stigma (e.g., age, gender, sex work, HIV-related, refugee-related, sexual violence-related) experiences shape HIV testing and prevention engagement, and how these findings were integrated into youth testing and prevention interventions in these humanitarian settings.
Dr Carmen Logie, Professor, Canada Research Chair in Global Health Equity & Social Justice with Marginalized Populations
Dr Carmen Logie has a research program focused on intersecting stigma and other ecosocial drivers of HIV. Her current projects funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, New Frontiers in Research Fund, and International Research Development Council, focus on HIV/STI prevention and care cascades in Canada, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania with people living with HIV, refugee and displaced youth, LGBTQ communities, sex workers, Indigenous peoples, and persons at the intersection of these identities.
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