Causal inference for survival outcomes: An introduction
Causal inference for survival outcomes webinar series
A series of four sessions on modern concepts and methods relating to estimation of effects of treatments or exposures on survival and other time-to-event outcomes. This is the first session of the series.
This first session will include two talks and aims to provide an introduction to some of the key concepts in causal inference for survival outcomes. Professor Bianca De Stavola will begin with a discussion of estimands, the potential outcomes framework and methods for estimating population average effects of a point treatment. In the second talk, Professor Ruth Keogh will discuss extensions from point treatments to longitudinal treatment strategies and methods for estimating the effects of such strategies using longitudinal data on treatment use and time-dependent confounders.
Examples will be used throughout, and practical guidance will be given on the implementation of the methods.
- Professor Bianca De Stavola, Professor of Medical Statistics, Population, Policy & Practice Department, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
- Professor Ruth Keogh, Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department of Medical Statistics and Centre for Statistical Methodology, LSHTM
Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available