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Crowdsourcing as a tool for developing sexual health and other public health interventions

In 1906 at a county fair in England, individuals were asked to guess the weight of an ox. The median guess from this group was more accurate than guesses from agricultural experts and others with specialized knowledge. This suggests the potential for crowd wisdom in specific contexts. Crowdsourcing could be a useful way to enhance public health interventions. Crowdsourcing has a group of people complete a task.  For example, an open call for videos promoting HIV testing, followed by promotion, judging, and recognition. This talk will examine how crowdsourcing can be used to develop sexual health campaigns and other public health interventions.  The talk will review data from randomized controlled trials supporting crowdsourcing in addition to guidance for using crowdsourcing in the development of public health interventions.

Speaker’s info:

Prof Tucker is from the University of North Carolina (UNC) Chapel Hill, USA, and he is the director of UNC Project-China.  His research focuses on crowdsourcing and related sexual health research bringing together infectious diseases, innovation, and social science. Much of his research has focused on China because of the pronounced resurgence of syphilis in addition to a strong capacity for coordinated public health responses.

Watch it online here.

