series event

​​Estimating the societal value of pandemic preparedness: the 100 day mission​

Exploring the DAEDALUS model in vaccine research and development

CMMID event

​​CMMID seminar series. This event is jointly organized with GHECO.​ 

​​The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations set the world the ambitious goal to put investments in place that allow the development and distribution of an effective vaccine within 100 days of a novel virus with pandemic potential being sequenced. The health and wider economic and social benefits of this investment may far exceed its costs, but are currently unknown.

​CEPI instructed the Jameel Institute at Imperial to estimate the potential benefits of investments that drastically decrease the speed to market of a strain-specific vaccine after identification of a new sarbecovirus with pandemic potential, and of stockpiling a broadly protective sarbecovirus vaccine that would be available prior to the development of the SSV, and the impact of greater global vaccine equity. Using the integrated epidemiological-economic model DAEDALUS, we projected the health, economic and educational benefits of investments into vaccine R&D, manufacturing and deployment. 

​In her talk, Katharina will explain the modelling approach, and present some preliminary findings.


​​Katharina Hauck

​​Katharina Hauck

​​Katharina Hauck is a Professor in Health Economics and Deputy Director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (Jameel Institute), School of Public Health, Imperial. Her research focuses on the economics of infectious diseases and evaluation of public health interventions. Katharina leads the recently launched 'Jameel Institute-Kenneth C. Griffin Initiative for the Economics of Pandemic Preparedness', an international collaborative program of research that has the mission to determine the societal and economic value of pandemic preparedness with integrated economic-epidemiological modelling. Katharina regularly advises multilateral agencies on national and international health policy.  ​ 

Event notices

  • Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available.


Free and open to all. No registration required.

