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series event

Evaluation Design Workshop: Diagnostic Bid

Please join us for this evaluation design workshop, in which Joe Tucker will present the design of a proposed multi-country evaluation of the impact of diagnostics to strengthen health systems in the global south. The research team are proposing to use different approaches in the different countries: stepped wedge trial and quasi-experimental approaches. We welcome your participation to support the development of the proposed study.

Joseph D. Tucker, MD, PhD, AM is an infectious diseases physician with a special interest in using public challenge contests to improve health. He is an Associate Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Associate Professor of Medicine at UNC Chapel Hill, Director of UNC Project-China, and Chairman of SESH Global. His team’s ongoing research investigates challenge contests to promote HIV testing and other behaviors. He is the Chairman of the Steering Committee of Social Entrepreneurship to Spur Health (SESH), a group focused on using public challenge contests to improve health. He has contributed to several World Health Organization guidelines. 


Please note that this session will NOT be live-streamed/recorded.


Open to all, seats available on first come, first served basis.

