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series event

Malaria, Poverty and Politics- how to be a good ally in global health

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The research community is gradually waking up to the power imbalance between the global North and the global South and the resulting inequity in global health. Using malaria control in Africa as an example, this seminar will cover how this inequity could be resolved or at least abated through intentional allyship between researchers in the North and South. 


Dr Silas Majambere

Dr Silas Majambere is a Public Health Entomologist who has spent 20 years of his career studying and fighting mosquitoes that transmit malaria. During his entire career he has worked with institutions in the global North and South simultaneously, and this situation has given him firsthand experience of the power imbalance between the two blocks but also the opportunities that could be harnessed to build a just global health society. He is currently working on a Podcast “Malaria, Poverty and Politics” where he debates with various experts the issues of inequity in global health and in particular the inadequacy of malaria control strategies in Africa. 


Free and open to all, online and in person. No registration required. A recording of this session will be available after the event on this page.


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