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series event

Protocol Workshop for a Realist evaluation of integrated delivery of immunization and family planning in Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, and Uganda

Please join us for a presentation that will describe the development of a protocol for a realist evaluation, and a discussion that will follow. The evaluation is of an intervention which aims to integrate the delivery of immunization and family planning services. The intervention is funded by the Pfizer Foundation Corporate Responsibility sector and is being implemented in five different countries by four implementing partners: Benin, implemented by CARE; Ethiopia and Uganda, implemented by the International Rescue Committee (IRC); Kenya, implemented by World Vision; and Malawi, implemented by Save the Children. The evaluation will seek to understand if, how, and why the intervention is working in these different contexts.

The evaluation will draw on monitoring and process data collected during programme implementation, routine national level data, and key informant interviews with stakeholders.


Free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.

