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Realist Evaluation and the MRC Framework

Dr. Adam Fletcher, Reader at the School of Social Science at the University of Cardiff, and Deputy Director of DECIPHer, spoke about how the ‘realist’ perspective, which has been successfully applied to many trials, should be expanded to include the whole of the MRC’s framework for complex interventions. His talk wasn’t recorded, but he drew on a couple of key papers that are available below.

Jamal, F., et al. (2015) The three stages of building and testing mid-level theories in a Realist RCT: a theoretical and methodological case-example. Trials 16: 466.

Bonell, C., Fletcher, A. et al. (2012) Realist randomised controlled trials: a new approach to evaluating complex public-health interventionsSocial Science & Medicine 75(12): 2299-2306.