A day of networking for quantitative researchers in the AMR field, focused around the new UK National Action Plan for antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

A day of short presentations and lots of discussion between quantitative researchers in the AMR field. The aims of the day are threefold:
- To provide a networking day for AMR modelers and researchers in the UK
- To discuss and explore the implications of the new National Action Plan on AMR research, in particular data analysis and modelling
- To determine knowledge gaps and questions for AMR modelling and quantitative research to better support evidence based clinical policy
RESIST3 will feature academic and policy speakers, including members of APRHAI and others specialising in AMR modelling, AMR policy development and data collection. The discussions will also cover how best to engage with the upcoming transdisciplinary AMR networks, and how to respond to the forthcoming AMR National Action Plan.
09:20-9:30: Welcome an housekeeping
9:30-9:55: 13.15: Julie Robotham and Colin Brown
10:00-10:45: Policy round-table with Kieran Hand (NHS England), Zara Retallick (DHSC), Julie Robotham (UKHSA), Koen Pouwels (University of Oxford), Jamie Steward (Scottish Government), Simon Rolfe (Welsh Government), Ben Cooper (University of Oxford)
10:45-11:15: Break (coffee)
11:15-12:15: Academic session 1 - Economics and policy interventions with Beth Woods, Norman Van Rhijn, Kristina Aluzaite, Tjeerd van Staa
12:15-12:30: Break
12:30-1:15: Academic session 2 - Genomics and mechanisms with Alice Ledda, Elita Jaunekaita, Chris Knight
1:15-2:00: Lunch
14:00-15:00: Academic Session 3 - Impact of population heterogeneity with Toby Leslie, Hannah Lepper, Claudia Igler. Short talks: Carys Redman-White //Dorottya Nagy // Jan Kreft // Alastair Clements
15:00-15:30: Round-table discussion / conclusions
15.30: Net-walking to John Snow Pub
Call for speakers
We are currently accepting submissions for those interested in speaking at the event. There are two options:
- 12-minute talk + 3-minute Q&A
- 2-minute talk
If you are interested in speaking at this event, please email with the subject title ‘RESIST3 speaker’ and include the following information:
- Preferred length of talk
- Career level
- Method/research area of AMR
John Snow Lecture Theatre
Zoom link
Event notices
- Please note that you can join this event in person or you can join the session remotely
- Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available