The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine hosts NIHR Academic Clinical Fellows and Academic Clinical Lecturers across all three faculties. We host trainees in a wide range of both research areas and clinical specialties including Infectious Diseases, Paediatrics and Public Health.
Overall co-ordination of the scheme is provided by:
Professor Shunmay Yeung
Co-Lead Integrated Academic Training
Professor on Infectious Diseases and Global Health
Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases
Professor Michael Marks
Co-Lead Integrated Academic Training
Professor of Medicine
Consultant in Infectious Diseases
Ms Suzanne Strong
Administrator Integrated Academic Training
Departmental Manager, Clinical Research Department
Individual ACF and ACL Posts are overseen by academic leads in each faculty.
- Integrated Academic Training Pathways
- Academic Clinical Fellowships
What is an ACF?
An Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) provides an opportunity to spend 25% protected time on academic research. The remaining 75% will be spent in clinical training, during which time clinical competencies must be met. An ACF is funded for up to 3 years (4 years for General Practice). Posts are appointed at a clinical starting grade reflecting the normal starting point for the clinical specialty. Therefore the starting grade may vary from ST1-4 depending on the specific scheme.
Academic Fellowships are part of the NIHR’s Integrated Academic Training Pathway. As with all universities, LSHTM applies every 2 years to NIHR and is competitively awarded a number of posts. The specific posts available at LSHTM therefore will vary on a two-yearly cycle.
Posts are normally advertised each October for posts to start in the following August. ACF posts are normally advertised as part of national recruitment administered via ORIEL.
LSHTM provides an unrivalled environment for academic development which is supported by links across multiple NHS Trusts and teaching hospitals. ACFs have opportunities to interact with world leading researchers both in the UK and worldwide.
We have an excellent track record of supporting our ACFs in securing competitive fellowships and further research opportunities.
- Academic Clinical Lectureships
What is an ACL?
A Clinical Lectureship (CL) is a post-doctoral appointment. An ACL provides an opportunity to spend 50% protected time on academic research with the remaining 50% spent on clinical training. ACLs are funded for a maximum 4 years and trainees must hold a PhD when appointed. Most trainees will obtain their CCT during their Clinical Lectureship.
Academic Clinical Lectureships are part of the NIHR’s Integrated Academic Training Pathway. As with all universities, LSHTM applies every 2 years to NIHR and is competitively awarded a number of posts. In addition, LSHTM may fund additional ACL positions. The specific posts available at LSHTM therefore will vary on a two-yearly cycle.
Posts are normally advertised in Spring-Summer each year. ACL posts are normally advertised as part of national recruitment administered via ORIEL.
LSHTM provides an exceptional environment in which to develop your research career whilst completing your specialist training. You will be supported to build links with existing research groups and in developing grant proposals to support your transition to being an independent researcher. Our ACLs have an excellent track record of obtaining Academy of Medical Sciences Starter Grants and going on to secure senior clinical academic positions.
All ACF and ACLs are eligible to receive an annual training bursary of £1,000 per year. These funds are available to support attendance at academic courses and conferences.
Claims are administered by Suzanne Strong.
For formal training opportunities, our postgraduate taught course programme is world leading. NIHR ACFs will be able to undertake appropriate MSc modules, with the normal fee waived.