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Ethics applications

Application guidance

All applications are submitted via LSHTM Ethics Online (LEO) using

If using the LEO system for the first time, please register by clicking the green 'New User' button. After logging in, guidance on completing applications can be found in the Help and FAQ sections listed in the header bar. Further guidance for students on how to complete the CARE form can be found in the project handbook.

Guidance and Instructional videos on how to perform certain actions, such as sharing applications, can be found on the LSHTM Ethics Online Sharepoint page.

For more information, please contact or (students).

Following a favourable opinion from the Ethics committee the Principal Investigator is responsible for reporting the following

  • Amendments
  • SAEs and Protocol Deviations
  • SUSARs and Protocol Violations
  • Annual reports
  • End of study reports

Deadlines and meeting dates

The committee meet virtually each month to review projects. Applications received by the end of the month will be reviewed by the 15th of the subsequent month e.g. if submitted on 31 July it will be reviewed on 15th August.

Please allow for an additional 2 weeks from the review date (15th) for the comments to be processed and the letter issued. 

For more information on the timelines for ethical review, please see our Ethical Review Timelines Sharepoint page.


The committee reviews amendments twice monthly. Amendments received between the 1st and the 15th of the month will be reviewed by the 1st of the following month (eg if submitted between 1st and 15th July, will be reviewed by 1st August). Amendments received between the 16th and 31st of the month, will be reviewed by the 15th of the following month (eg if submitted between 16th and 31st July, will be reviewed by 15th August). ​

Please allow for an additional 2 weeks from the review date (1st or 15th) for the comments to be processed and the letter issued. 

MSc Applications

MSc CARE form deadlines can be found in the MSc project handbooks. 

Initial review from the MSc Research Ethics Committee will typically take 4 to 6 weeks from submission. Please be aware that at the end of the ini​tial review students may receive a request for clarification/insufficient information from the ethics committee and so should allow additional time to respond. 

Students submitting a response to a request for clarification/Insufficient information will normally receive a response within 2 weeks of the response being validated. However the review process may take longer if the project is particularly complex. 

Fast Track

Certain projects may be eligible for fast-track review via Chair’s action. These projects include: 

  • Projects using anonymised and unlinkable secondary datasets only 
  • Projects where the Chief Investigator of the main study is based at another UK institution and has obtained ethics approval from their University Ethics Committee (approval letter attached)
  • Projects where approval has been obtained from the MRC Unit the Gambia at LSHTM Scientific Coordinating Committee and the Gambia Government/MRC Joint Ethics Committee (approval letter attached)
  • Projects where approval has been obtained from the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) and a UNCST accredited Research Ethics Committee (approval letters attached)
  • DrPH OPA projects (host letter of support attached)
  • Projects that have already received HRA (NHS) approval (approval letter attached)
  • Projects using previously collected human biological material stored at LSHTM Keppel street only
  • Discrete choice experiment (DCE) involving professionals in their professional capacities only
  • Delphi study involving professionals in their professional capacities only

Projects reviewed via Chair's action normally receive a response within 2 weeks of the application being validated. However the review process may take longer if the project is particularly complex. 

The fast-track option is not currently available for MSc students.