

MRC The Gambia Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

HASAN, AZ; Saha, S; Saha, SK; Sahakyan, G; Grigoryan, S; Mwenda, JM; ANTONIO, M; Knoll, MD; Serhan, F; Cohen, AL; Pneumococcal and rotavirus surveillance case study,;
Vaccine, (2018).36 32 Pt 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.06.001.
Taylor, WR; Naw, HK; Maitland, K; Williams, TN; Kapulu, M; D'ALESSANDRO, U; Berkley, JA; Bejon, P; Okebe, J; ACHAN, J; Amambua, AN; Affara, M; NWAKANMA, D; Van Geertruyden, J-P; Mavoko, M; Lutumba, P; Matangila, J; Brasseur, P; Piola, P; Randremanana, R; Lasry, E; FANELLO, C; Onyamboko, M; Schramm, B; Yah, Z; ... Mukaka, M.
BMC medicine, (2018).16 1 10.1186/s12916-017-0990-6.
LELIJVELD, N; Jalloh, AA; Kampondeni, SD; Seal, A; Wells, JC; Goyheneix, M; Chimwezi, E; Mallewa, M; NYIRENDA, MJ; Heyderman, RS; KERAC, M;
Public health nutrition, (2018).22 8 10.1017/S1368980018003282.
Azarian, T; Mitchell, PK; Georgieva, M; Thompson, CM; Ghouila, A; Pollard, AJ; Von Gottberg, A; Du Plessis, M; ANTONIO, M; Kwambana-Adams, BA; Clarke, SC; Everett, D; Cornick, J; Sadowy, E; Hryniewicz, W; Skoczynska, A; Moïsi, JC; McGee, L; Beall, B; Metcalf, BJ; Breiman, RF; Ho, PL; Reid, R; O'Brien, KL; Gladstone, RA; ... Hanage, WP.
PLoS pathogens, (2018).14 11 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007438.
MURRAY, KA; Olivero, J; Roche, B; Tiedt, S; Guégan, J-F;
Ecography, (2018).41 9 10.1111/ecog.03625.
Wilson, AL; BRADLEY, J; Kandeh, B; Salami, K; D'ALESSANDRO, U; Pinder, M; Lindsay, SW;
Parasites & vectors, (2018).11 1 10.1186/s13071-018-3026-y.
Farmer, A; Bobrow, K; Leon, N; Williams, N; Phiri, E; Namadingo, H; Cooper, S; Prince, J; CRAMPIN, A; Besada, D; Daviaud, E; Yu, L-M; N'goma, J; Springer, D; Bruno, P; Tarassenko, L; NYIRENDA, M; Levitt, N;
JMIR Publications Inc. (2018). 10.2196/preprints.12377.