

MRC The Gambia Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

CLARKE, E; KAMPMANN, B; Goldblatt, D;
EXPERT REVIEW OF VACCINES, (2016).15 10 10.1586/14760584.2016.1167602.
Senghore, M; Bayliss, SC; Kwambana-Adams, BA; FOSTER-NYARKO, E; Manneh, J; Dione, M; Badji, H; Ebruke, C; Doughty, EL; Thorpe, HA; Jasinska, AJ; Schmitt, CA; Cramer, JD; Turner, TR; Weinstock, G; Freimer, NB; Pallen, MJ; Feil, EJ; ANTONIO, M;
Applied and environmental microbiology, (2016).82 19 10.1128/AEM.01496-16.
Meghji, J; Nadeau, G; Davis, KJ; Wang, D; NYIRENDA, MJ; Gordon, SB; Mortimer, K;
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, (2016).194 1 10.1164/rccm.201509-1807OC.
Okebe, J; BOUSEMA, T; Affara, M; Di Tanna, GL; Dabira, E; Gaye, A; Sanya-Isijola, F; Badji, H; Correa, S; NWAKANMA, D; Van Geertruyden, J-P; DRAKELEY, C; D'ALESSANDRO, U;
EBioMedicine, (2016).13, 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.10.032.
Sirima, SB; Mordmüller, B; MILLIGAN, P; Ngoa, UA; Kironde, F; Atuguba, F; Tiono, AB; Issifou, S; Kaddumukasa, M; Bangre, O; Flach, C; Christiansen, M; Bang, P; Chilengi, R; Jepsen, S; Kremsner, PG; Theisen, M; GMZ2 Trial Study Group,;
Vaccine, (2016).34 38 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.07.041.
Ashu, EE; JARJU, S; Dione, M; MACKENZIE, G; IKUMAPAYI, UN; Manjang, A; Azuine, R; ANTONIO, M;
BMC infectious diseases, (2016).16 1 10.1186/s12879-016-1370-0.
ORIERO, EC; Jacobs, J; Van Geertruyden, J-P; Nwakanma, DC; D'Alessandro, U;
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, (2016).45, 10.1016/j.ijid.2016.02.373.
TOGUN, TO; Egere, U; Gomez, MP; Sillah, AK; Daramy, M; TIENTCHEU, LD; S Sutherland, J; Hill, PC; KAMPMANN, B;
The European respiratory journal, (2016).47 1 10.1183/13993003.00890-2015.