

MRC The Gambia Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

World review of nutrition and dietetics, (2017).116, 10.1159/000452190.
Caleyachetty, R; Thomas, GN; Toulis, KA; MOHAMMED, N; Gokhale, KM; Balachandran, K; Nirantharakumar, K;
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, (2017).70 12 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.07.763.
Berto, A; Pham, HA; Thao, TT N; Vy, NH T; Caddy, SL; Hiraide, R; Tue, NT; Goodfellow, I; Carrique-Mas, JJ; Thwaites, GE; Baker, S; Boni, MF; VIZIONS consortium,;
Zoonoses and public health, (2017).65 1 10.1111/zph.12364.
BOJANG, A; Kendall, L; USUF, E; Egere, U; MULWA, S; ANTONIO, M; GREENWOOD, B; Hill, PC; ROCA, A;
BMC infectious diseases, (2017).17 1 10.1186/s12879-017-2685-1.
TESHOME, EM; Andang'o, PE A; Osoti, V; Terwel, SR; Otieno, W; Demir, AY; PRENTICE, AM; Verhoef, H;
BMC medicine, (2017).15 1 10.1186/s12916-017-0839-z.
MARTINEZ-ALVAREZ, M; Acharya, A; Arregoces, L; Brearley, L; PITT, C; GROLLMAN, C; BORGHI, J;
Health affairs (Project Hope), (2017).36 11 10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0364.
Fancourt, N; Deloria Knoll, M; Baggett, HC; Brooks, WA; Feikin, DR; Hammitt, LL; Howie, SR C; Kotloff, KL; Levine, OS; Madhi, SA; Murdoch, DR; SCOTT, JA G; Thea, DM; Awori, JO; Barger-Kamate, B; Chipeta, J; DeLuca, AN; Diallo, M; Driscoll, AJ; Ebruke, BE; Higdon, MM; JAHAN, Y; Karron, RA; Mahomed, N; Moore, DP; ... PERCH Study Group,
Clinical infectious diseases, (2017).64 suppl_ 10.1093/cid/cix089.
Milesi, P; ASSOGBA, BS; Atyame, CM; Pocquet, N; Berthomieu, A; Unal, S; Makoundou, P; Weill, M; Labbé, P;
Molecular ecology, (2017).27 2 10.1111/mec.14463.
Trung, NV; Hoi, LT; Thuong, NT H; Toan, TK; Huong, TT K; Hoa, TM; Fox, A; Kinh, NV; Van Doorn, HR; Wertheim, HF L; Bryant, JE; NADJM, B;
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, (2017).96 5 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0399.