

MRC The Gambia Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Noulin, F; Manesia, JK; Rosanas-Urgell, A; ERHART, A; Borlon, C; Van Den Abbeele, J; D'ALESSANDRO, U; Verfaillie, CM;
PLOS ONE, (2014).9 11 10.1371/journal.pone.0112496.
Rimi, NA; Sultana, R; Luby, SP; Islam, MS; Uddin, M; HOSSAIN, MJ; Zaman, RU; Nahar, N; Gurley, ES;
PloS one, (2014).9 2 10.1371/journal.pone.0089085.
Impaired natural killer cell responses to vaccine antigens in human cytomegalovirus-infected individuals.
Nielsen, CM; White, MJ; Rodriguez-Galan, A; BOTTOMLEY, C; Turner, SE G; GOODIER, MR; Riley, EM;
IMMUNOLOGY, (2014).143,
Bamford, A; Kelleher, P; Lyall, H; Haston, M; Zancolli, M; Goldblatt, D; KAMPMANN, B;
The American journal of clinical nutrition, (2014).99 5 Supp 10.3945/ajcn.113.073437.
Howie, SR C; Morris, GA J; Tokarz, R; Ebruke, BE; Machuka, EM; Ideh, RC; Chimah, O; Secka, O; Townend, J; Dione, M; Oluwalana, C; Njie, M; Jallow, M; Hill, PC; ANTONIO, M; GREENWOOD, B; Briese, T; MULHOLLAND, K; Corrah, T; Lipkin, WI; Adegbola, RA;
Clinical infectious diseases, (2014).59 5 10.1093/cid/ciu384.
Kamau, E; CAMPINO, S; Amenga-Etego, L; Drury, E; Ishengoma, D; Johnson, K; Mumba, D; Kekre, M; Yavo, W; Mead, D; Bouyou-Akotet, M; Apinjoh, T; Golassa, L; Randrianarivelojosia, M; Andagalu, B; Maiga-Ascofare, O; AMAMBUA-NGWA, A; Tindana, P; Ghansah, A; MacInnis, B; Kwiatkowski, D; Djimde, AA;
The Journal of infectious diseases, (2014).211 8 10.1093/infdis/jiu608.
Touzard Romo, F; Smeaton, LM; Campbell, TB; Riviere, C; Mngqibisa, R; Nyirenda, M; NYIRENDA, M; Supparatpinyo, K; Kumarasamy, N; Hakim, JG; Flanigan, TP;
HIV clinical trials, (2014).15 6 10.1310/hct1506-246.
NADJM, B; Thuy, PT; Trang, VD; Ha, LD; Kinh, NV; Wertheim, HF;
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, (2014).108 11 10.1093/trstmh/tru145.
GOODIER, MR; WHITE, MJ; Darboe, A; Nielsen, CM; Goncalves, A; BOTTOMLEY, C; MOORE, SE; RILEY, EM;
Blood, (2014).124 14 10.1182/blood-2014-05-576124.