

MRC The Gambia Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

JUEL, R; Sharpe, S; Picetti, R; Milner, J; BONELL, A; YEUNG, S; Wilkinson, P; Dangour, A; Hughes, R;
IMAM, A; Obiesie, S; Aluvaala, J; Maina, M; GATHARA, D; English, M;
Wellcome Open Res (2022). 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.17431.2.
IKUMAPAYI, UN; Hill, PC; Hossain, I; Olatunji, Y; Ndiaye, M; BADJI, H; Manjang, A; Salaudeen, R; Ceesay, L; Adegbola, RA; GREENWOOD, BM; MACKENZIE, GA;
PloS One, (2022).17 8 10.1371/journal.pone.0265299.
MANNO, D; AYIEKO, P; Ishola, D; AFOLABI, MO; Rogers, B; Baiden, F; Serry-Bangura, A; Bah, OM; Köhn, B; Swaray, I; Owusu-Kyei, K; Otieno, GT; Kowuor, D; TINDANBIL, D; Smout, E; Robinson, C; Keshinro, B; Foster, J; GALLAGHER, K; Lowe, B; Douoguih, M; Leigh, B; GREENWOOD, B; WATSON-JONES, D;
Emerging Infectious Diseases, (2022).28 3 10.3201/eid2803.211496.
Shimakawa, Y; NDOW, G; Kaneko, A; Aoyagi, K; Lemoine, M; Tanaka, Y; PROLIFICA/HBCRAG-RDT STUDY GROUP,;
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology, (2022).21 7 10.1016/j.cgh.2022.05.026.
Sawadogo, Y; Galal, L; Belarbi, E; Zongo, A; Schubert, G; Leendertz, F; KANTEH, A; SESAY, AK; Erhart, A; Bañuls, A-L; Tarnagda, Z; Godreuil, S; Tinto, H; Ouedraogo, A-S;
Viruses, (2022).14 12 10.3390/v14122788.
Gladstone, RA; Siira, L; Brynildsrud, OB; Vestrheim, DF; Turner, P; Clarke, SC; Srifuengfung, S; Ford, R; Lehmann, D; Egorova, E; Voropaeva, E; Haraldsson, G; Kristinsson, KG; McGee, L; Breiman, RF; Bentley, SD; Sheppard, CL; Fry, NK; Corander, J; Toropainen, M; Steens, A; Global Pneumococcal Sequencing Consortium,;
Vaccine, (2022).40 7 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.10.046.
Dadari, I; Ropiti, L; Patson, A; Okia, P; Narasia, J; Hare'e, T; Namohunu, S; Ogaoga, D; Gaiofa, J; USUF, E;
PLoS global public health, (2022).2 6 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000572.
Fischer, C; Maponga, TG; Yadouleton, A; Abílio, N; Aboce, E; Adewumi, P; Afonso, P; Akorli, J; Andriamandimby, SF; Anga, L; Ashong, Y; Beloufa, MA; Bensalem, A; Birtles, R; Boumba, AL M; Bwanga, F; CHAPONDA, M; Chibukira, P; Chico, RM; Chileshe, J; Chongwe, G; Cissé, A; D'ALESSANDRO, U; De Lamballerie, XN; De Morais, JF M; ... Drexler, JF.
Science (New York, N.Y.), (2022).378 6626 10.1126/science.adg2821.