Knowledge transfer and public engagement
Senior staff of the Unit contribute their professional expertise to national and international institutions, in order to facilitate the formulation of health policy, to promote HIV care and prevention, to help in the organisation of conferences, to assist in the conduct of international trials or in other form of public engagement.
Selected examples include:
- Professor Pontiano Kaleebu
- Professor Janet Seeley
- Conference organiser: Biodiversity and Livelihoods, India, 2009
- Conference organiser: Expanding Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) provision in resource-limited settings: Social dynamics and policy challenges. Norwich, UK, 2009
- Chairperson of the University of East Anglia International Development Research Ethics Committee
- Member of Overseas Development Group, University of East Anglia Management Committee
- Supervisor and Examiner for Masters and undergraduate dissertations for University of East Anglia
- Supervisor for PhD students for University of East Anglia, LSHTM, University of Glasgow Post-doctoral mentor for British Academy Post-doctoral Research Fellowships, 2006 – 2010