

Data scientist analysing information

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

SSEMATA, AS; Hickson, M; Ssenkusu, JM; Cusick, SE; Nakasujja, N; Opoka, RO; Kroupina, M; Georgieff, MK; Bangirana, P; John, CC;
Pediatric Research, (2020).88 3 10.1038/s41390-020-0957-8.
Mehta, SD; SEELEY, J;
Frontiers in reproductive health, (2020).2, 10.3389/frph.2020.00002.
Martin, F; Nalukenge, W; Lazarus, O; BIRUNGI, J; SEELEY, J;
BMC Health Services Research, (2020).20 1 10.1186/s12913-020-05881-4.
Tukwasibwe, S; Nakimuli, A; Traherne, J; Chazara, O; Jayaraman, J; Trowsdale, J; Moffett, A; Jagannathan, P; Rosenthal, PJ; COSE, S; Colucci, F;
CELLULAR & MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY, (2020).17 8 10.1038/s41423-020-0482-z.
KITONSA, J; Kiwanuka, J; Anywaine, Z; Kansiime, S; Katumba, K; Aeron, N; Beardsley, J; Kibengo, F; Gray, A; Kaleebu, P; Day, J;
Orievulu, KS; Ayeb-Karlsson, S; Ngema, S; BAISLEY, K; Tanser, F; Ngwenya, N; SEELEY, J; Hanekom, W; Herbst, K; Kniveton, D; Iwuji, CC;
LANCET PLANETARY HEALTH, (2020).6 4 10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00016-X.
Chen, WC; Singh, E; Muchengeti, M; Bradshaw, D; Mathew, CG; Babb de Villiers, C; Lewis, CM; Waterboer, T; NEWTON, R; Sitas, F;
Cancer epidemiology, (2020).65, 10.1016/j.canep.2020.101701.
Cusick, SE; Opoka, RO; SSEMATA, AS; Georgieff, MK; John, CC;
The American journal of clinical nutrition, (2020).111 5 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa004.
Ngwenya, N; Luthuli, M; Gunda, R; Gumede, NA; Adeagbo, O; Nkosi, B; Gareta, D; Koole, O; Siedner, M; Wong, EB; SEELEY, J; Vukuzazi team,;
International Health, (2020).12 6 10.1093/inthealth/ihaa072.