

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Akello, M; Coutinho, S; N-Mboowa, MG; Bukirwa, VD; Natukunda, A; Lubyayi, L; Nabakooza, G; COSE, S; ELLIOTT, AM;
AAS open research, (2020).3, 10.12688/aasopenres.13117.1.
Dietrich, JJ; Atujuna, M; Tshabalala, G; Hornschuh, S; Mulaudzi, M; Koh, M; Ahmed, N; Muhumuza, R; SSEMATA, A; Otwombe, K; Bekker, L-G; Seeley, J; Martinson, NA; Terris-Prestholt, F; Fox, J;
Research Square Platform LLC (2020). 10.21203/
Gafos, M; BEATTIE, T; Stoebenau, K; Baron, D; Weiner, R; Wamoyi, J; Letsela, L; HARGREAVES, J; Mshana, G; KAPIGA, S; Stangl, A; Remme, M; Heise, L; SEELEY, J;
Preventing HIV Among Young People in Southern and Eastern Africa Emerging Evidence and Intervention Strategies , Routledge (2020). 10.4324/9780429462818.
King, R; Matovu, JN; Rujumba, J; Wavamunno, P; Amone, A; Gabagaya, G; Fowler, MG; Homsy, J; SEELEY, J; Musoke, P;
African Journal of AIDS Research, (2020).19 2 10.2989/16085906.2020.1760325.
Muriuki, JM; Mentzer, AJ; WEBB, EL; Morovat, A; Kimita, W; Ndungu, FM; Macharia, AW; Crane, RJ; Berkley, JA; Lule, SA; Cutland, C; Sirima, SB; Diarra, A; Tiono, AB; Bejon, P; Madhi, SA; Hill, AV S; PRENTICE, AM; Suchdev, PS; ELLIOTT, AM; Williams, TN; Atkinson, SH;
BMC MEDICINE, (2020).18 1 10.1186/s12916-020-1502-7.
No, I'm not a Sugar Daddy':Adult Men's Self-Perceptions and Views of Intergenerational Transactional Sex With Girls in Uganda and Tanzania.
Buller Soto, A;
Population-based monitoring of HIV drug resistance early warning indicators in Uganda: A nationally representative survey following revised WHO recommendations: S1 Data.
Asio, J; Watera, C; Namuwenge, N; Kirungi, W; Musinguzi, J; Mugagga, K; Busobozi, R; Tusiime, BJ; Lutalo, T; Mbidde, EK; KALEEBU, P;
, PLOS One (2020).
Final Z scores by regression for neurodevelopmental outcomes data.
SSEMATA, AS; Opoka, RO; Ssenkusu, JM; Nakasujja, N; John, CC; Bangirana, P;
, PLOS ONE (2020).
Namutebi, M; Nnaluwooza, M; Tumwesige, P; Mukasa, M; Apule, B; Onen, C; Katongole, T; Tumusiime, J; Akurut, H; ELLIOTT, A; MPAIRWE, H;
Wellcome Open Research, (2020).5, 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.16371.1.
Kielmann, K; KARAT, AS; Zwama, G; Colvin, C; Swartz, A; Voce, AS; Yates, TA; MacGregor, H; MCCREESH, N; Kallon, I; VASSALL, A; GOVENDER, I; SEELEY, J; GRANT, AD;
Infectious diseases of poverty, (2020).9 1 10.1186/s40249-020-00667-6.