

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Zumla, A; Maeurer, M; Host-Directed Therapies Network (HDT-NET) Consorti,;
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, (2015).61 9 10.1093/cid/civ631.
Kim, J; Zhang, W; Nyonyitono, M; Lourenco, L; Nanfuka, M; Okoboi, S; BIRUNGI, J; Lester, RT; KALEEBU, P; Munderi, P; Moore, DM;
Journal of the International AIDS Society, (2015).18 1 10.7448/IAS.18.1.20311.
The social context of gender-based violence, alcohol use and HIV risk among female sex workers and their intimate partners in Kampala, Uganda.
Schulkind, J; Mbonye, M; Nalugya, R; Kiwanuka, T; SEELEY, J; Watts, C;
HIV MEDICINE, (2015).16,
Banda, HT; Mortimer, K; Bello, GA F; Mbera, GB; Namakhoma, I; Thomson, R; NYIRENDA, MJ; Faragher, B; Madan, J; Malmborg, R; Stenberg, B; Mpunga, J; Mwagomba, B; Gama, E; Piddock, K; Squire, SB;
Trials, (2015).16 1 10.1186/s13063-015-1068-4.
H3Africa Consortium,; Rotimi, C; Abayomi, A; Abimiku, A; Adabayeri, VM; Adebamowo, C; Adebamowo, C; Adebiyi, E; Ademola, AD; Adeyemo, A; Adu, D; Affolabi, D; Agongo, G; Ajayi, S; Akarolo-Anthony, S; Akinyemi, R; Akpalu, A; Alberts, M; Alonso Betancourt, O; Alzohairy, AM; Ameni, G; Amodu, O; Anabwani, G; Andersen, K; Arogundade, F; ... Zar, H.
Science (New York, N.Y.), (2014).344 6190 10.1126/science.1251546.
Muldoon, KA; Duff, PK; BIRUNGI, J; Ngolobe, MH; Min, JE; King, R; Nyonyintono, M; Chen, Y; Shannon, K; Khanakwa, S; Moore, D;
Sexually transmitted infections, (2014).90 5 10.1136/sextrans-2013-051326.
Oluwagbemi, O; Adebiyi, M; FATUMO, S; Macintyre, G;
PLoS computational biology, (2014).10 5 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003593.
Day, J; Imran, D; Ganiem, AR; Tjahjani, N; Wahyuningsih, R; Adawiyah, R; DANCE, D; Mayxay, M; Newton, P; Phetsouvanh, R; Rattanavong, S; Chan, AK; Heyderman, R; Van Oosterhout, JJ; Chierakul, W; Day, N; Kamali, A; Kibengo, F; RUZAGIRA, E; Gray, A; Lalloo, DG; Beardsley, J; Binh, TQ; Chau, TT H; Chau, NV V; ... Wolbers, M.
TRIALS, (2014).15 1 10.1186/1745-6215-15-441.
Slone, JS; Chunda-Liyoka, C; Perez, M; Mutalima, N; NEWTON, R; Chintu, C; Kankasa, C; Chipeta, J; Heimburger, DC; Vermund, SH; Friedman, DL;
PloS one, (2014).9 2 10.1371/journal.pone.0089102.