

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Factors associated with quality of life among HIV patients attending an urban clinic in a resource limited setting-Uganda.
Mwesigire, DM; SEELEY, J; Martin, F; Katamba, A;
Nakimuli, A; ELLIOTT, AM; KALEEBU, P; Moffett, A; Mirembe, F;
PloS one, (2013).8 12 10.1371/journal.pone.0085273.
My, PV T; THOMPSON, C; Phuc, HL; Tuyet, PT N; Vinh, H; Hoang, NV M; Minh, PV; Vinh, NT; Thuy, CT; Nga, TT T; Hau, NT T; Campbell, J; Chinh, NT; Thuong, TC; Tuan, HM; Farrar, J; Baker, S;
Emerging infectious diseases, (2013).19 6 10.3201/eid1906.111862.
Schmidt, C; Jaoko, W; Omosa-Manyonyi, G; KALEEBU, P; Mpendo, J; Nanvubya, A; Karita, E; Bayingana, R; Bekker, L-G; Chomba, E; Kilembe, W; Nchabeleng, M; Nyombayire, J; Stevens, G; Chetty, P; Lehrman, J; Cox, J; Allen, S; Dally, L; Smith, C; Fast, PE;
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, (2013).10 3 10.4161/hv.27559.
Richards, E; Zalwango, F; SEELEY, J; Scholten, F; Theobald, S;
African journal of AIDS research, (2013).12 2 10.2989/16085906.2013.831361.
Participants in the Community Engagement and Conse,;
Journal of empirical research on human research ethics, (2013).8 4 10.1525/jer.2013.8.4.1.
Gupta, RK; Goodall, RL; Ranopa, M; Kityo, C; Munderi, P; Lyagoba, F; Mugarura, L; Gilks, CF; KALEEBU, P; Pillay, D; DART Virology Group and Trial Team,;
Clinical infectious diseases, (2013).58 7 10.1093/cid/cit933.
Van den Heuvel, L; Chishinga, N; KINYANDA, E; WEISS, H; Patel, V; AYLES, H; Harvey, J; Cloete, KJ; Seedat, S;
AIDS care, (2013).25 12 10.1080/09540121.2013.793263.
HOLT, KE; Thieu Nga, TV; Thanh, DP; Vinh, H; Kim, DW; Vu Tra, MP; Campbell, JI; Hoang, NV M; Vinh, NT; Minh, PV; Thuy, CT; Nga, TT T; Thompson, C; Dung, TT N; Nhu, NT K; Vinh, PV; Tuyet, PT N; Phuc, HL; Lien, NT N; Phu, BD; Ai, NT T; Tien, NM; Dong, N; Parry, CM; Hien, TT; ... BAKER, S.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (2013).110 43 10.1073/pnas.1308632110.