

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Assiri, A; McGeer, A; Perl, TM; Price, CS; Al Rabeeah, AA; Cummings, DA T; Alabdullatif, ZN; Assad, M; Almulhim, A; Makhdoom, H; Madani, H; Alhakeem, R; Al-Tawfiq, JA; COTTEN, M; Watson, SJ; Kellam, P; Zumla, AI; Memish, ZA; KSA MERS-CoV Investigation Team,;
The New England journal of medicine, (2013).369 5 10.1056/nejmoa1306742.
Nakimuli, A; Chazara, O; Byamugisha, J; ELLIOTT, AM; KALEEBU, P; Mirembe, F; Moffett, A;
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, (2013).210 6 10.1016/j.ajog.2013.10.879.
SPARTAC Trial Investigators,; Fidler, S; Porter, K; Ewings, F; Frater, J; Ramjee, G; Cooper, D; Rees, H; Fisher, M; Schechter, M; KALEEBU, P; Tambussi, G; Kinloch, S; Miro, JM; Kelleher, A; McClure, M; Kaye, S; Gabriel, M; Phillips, R; Weber, J; Babiker, A;
The New England journal of medicine, (2013).368 3 10.1056/NEJMoa1110039.
Sigaloff, KC E; Mandaliya, K; Hamers, RL; Otieno, F; Jao, IM; Lyagoba, F; Magambo, B; KAPAATA, A; Ndembi, N; Rinke de Wit, TF;
AIDS research and human retroviruses, (2012).28 9 10.1089/aid.2011.0348.
Prevalence and risk factors of major depressive disorders in HIV/AIDS as seen in semi-urban Entebbe District, Uganda.
Van der Doef, M; MBAZZI, FB; Verhoeven, C;
Journal of clinical nursing, (2012).21 11-12 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03995.x.
Van Tienen, C; McConkey, SJ; De Silva, TI; COTTEN, M; Kaye, S; Sarge-Njie, R; Da Costa, C; Gonçalves, N; Parker, J; Vincent, T; Jaye, A; Aaby, P; Whittle, H; Schim van der Loeff, M;
AIDS research and human retroviruses, (2012).28 6 10.1089/aid.2011.0219.
Dung, TT N; Phat, VV; Nga, TV T; My, PV T; Duy, PT; Campbell, JI; Thuy, CT; Hoang, NV M; Van Minh, P; Le Phuc, H; Tuyet, PT N; Vinh, H; Kien, DT H; Huy, HL A; Vinh, NT; Nga, TT T; Hau, NT T; Chinh, NT; Thuong, TC; Tuan, HM; Simmons, C; Farrar, JJ; Baker, S;
Journal of virological methods, (2012).187 1 10.1016/j.jviromet.2012.09.021.
SEELEY, J; WATTS, CH; Kippax, S; Russell, S; HEISE, L; Whiteside, A;
Journal of the International AIDS Society, (2012).15 Sup Suppl 10.7448/IAS.15.3.17397.