

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Leligdowicz, A; Feldmann, J; Jaye, A; COTTEN, M; Dong, T; McMichael, A; Whittle, H; Rowland-Jones, S;
The Journal of infectious diseases, (2009).201 1 10.1086/648733.
SERWANGA, J; Shafer, LA; Pimego, E; Auma, B; Watera, C; Rowland, S; Yirrell, D; PALA, P; GROSSKURTH, H; WHITWORTH, J; Gotch, F; KALEEBU, P;
PloS one, (2009).4 1 10.1371/journal.pone.0004188.
Hontelez, JA C; Van der Loeff, MF S; Peterson, I; Peterson, K; Ahadzie, B; COTTEN, M; Sarge-Njie, R; Whittle, H;
Sexually transmitted diseases, (2009).36 12 10.1097/olq.0b013e3181af6de0.
JAFFAR, S; Amuron, B; Foster, S; BIRUNGI, J; Levin, J; Namara, G; Nabiryo, C; Ndembi, N; Kyomuhangi, R; Opio, A; Bunnell, R; Tappero, JW; Mermin, J; Coutinho, A; GROSSKURTH, H; Jinja trial team,;
Lancet, (2009).374 9707 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61674-3.
Effects of treatment of helminths with albendazole and praziquantel in pregnancy on the incidence of allergy in the first year of life: trial results.
MPAIRWE, H; WEBB, E; Muhangi, L; Ndibazza, J; Tumusiime, J; Rodrigues, L; ELLIOTT, A;
ALLERGY, (2009).64,
KINYANDA, E; Woodburn, P; Tugumisirize, J; Kagugube, J; Ndyanabangi, S; PATEL, V;
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, (2009).46 1 10.1007/s00127-009-0164-8.
NYIRENDA, MJ; Tang, JI; Padfield, PL; Seckl, JR;
BMJ (Clinical research ed.), (2009).339, 10.1136/bmj.b4114.
Amuron, B; Namara, G; BIRUNGI, J; Nabiryo, C; Levin, J; GROSSKURTH, H; Coutinho, A; Jaffar, S;
BMC public health, (2009).9 1 10.1186/1471-2458-9-290.