

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Nunn, AJ; Kengeya-Kayondo, JF; Malamba, SS; SEELEY, JA; Mulder, DW;
AIDS (London, England), (1994).8 1 10.1097/00002030-199401000-00012.
Kengeya-Kayondo, JF; SEELEY, JA; Kajura-Bajenja, E; Kabunga, E; Mubiru, E; Sembajja, F; Mulder, DW;
Acta tropica, (1994).58 3-4 10.1016/0001-706x(94)90020-5.
Frank, S; Krasznai, K; Durovic, S; Lobentanz, EM; Dieplinger, H; Wagner, E; Zatloukal, K; COTTEN, M; Utermann, G; Kostner, GM;
Biochemistry, (1994).33 40 10.1021/bi00206a041.
Bruck, C; Thiriart, C; Fabry, L; Francotte, M; PALA, P; Van Opstal, O; Culp, J; Rosenberg, M; De Wilde, M; Heidt, P; Heeney, J;
Vaccine, (1994).12 12 10.1016/0264-410x(94)90185-6.
Da Costa, CT K A; Khanolkar-Young, S; ELLIOTT, AM; Wasunna, KM; McAdam, KP W J;
Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease, (1994).6 3 10.1016/0888-0786(94)90010-8.
Thurnher, M; Wagner, E; Clausen, H; Mechtler, K; Rusconi, S; Dinter, A; Birnstiel, ML; Berger, EG; COTTEN, M;
Glycobiology, (1994).4 4 10.1093/glycob/4.4.429.
Zatloukal, K; COTTEN, M; Berger, M; Schmidt, W; Wagner, E; Birnstiel, ML;
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, (1994).91 11 10.1073/pnas.91.11.5148.