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Module specifications

Intensive module specifications 2024-25

*Module specifications will be added to this page as they become available

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Abortion Policy and ProgrammingTerm 2 - C2
Advanced Diagnostic ParasitologyTerm 2 - C2
Advanced Immunology 1Term 2 - C1
Advanced Immunology 2Term 2 - C2
Advanced Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 3 - E
Advanced Training in Molecular BiologyTerm 2 - D1
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other DrugsTerm 2 - C2
Analysis of Electronic Health Record DataTerm 2 - D2
Analysing Survey and Population DataTerm 3 - E
Analysis & Design of Research StudiesTerm 1
Analysis of Hierarchical and other Dependent DataTerm 2 - D1
Applied Communicable Disease ControlTerm 2 - D1
Applying Public Health PrinciplesTerm 3 - E
Bacteriology & VirologyTerm 1
Basic EpidemiologyTerm 1
Basic Statistics for Public Health & PolicyTerm 1
Basic ParasitologyTerm 2 - D1
Bayesian AnalysisTerm 2 - D2
Causal Inference and Missing DataTerm 3 - E
Childhood Eye Diseases and Ocular InfectionsTerm 2 - C1
Climate Change and Planetary Health Research ProjectsTerm 3
Clinical TrialsTerm 1
Clinical VirologyTerm 2 - C1
Concepts and Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 1
Conflict and HealthTerm 2 - C2
Control of Sexually Transmitted InfectionsTerm 2 - D1
Current Issues in Maternal and Perinatal HealthTerm 2 - D1
Data ChallengeTerm 2 - C2
Demographic MethodsTerm 1
Design and Analysis of Epidemiological StudiesTerm 2 - C2
Design and Evaluation of Mental Health ProgrammesTerm 2 - D2
Designing Public Health ProgrammesTerm 2 - C1
Diagnostic BacteriologyTerm 2 - C2
Economic Analysis for Health PolicyTerm 2 - D1
Economic EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Environment, Health and Sustainable DevelopmentTerm 1
Environmental EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D2
Environmental Health Policy (suspended for 2024-25) 
Epidemiological Methods Applied to Eye DiseasesTerm 1
Epidemiology and -omicsTerm 1
Epidemiology in PracticeTerm 1
Epidemiology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Epidemiology of Non-communicable DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Ethics, Public Health and Human RightsTerm 2 - D2
Evaluation of Public Health InterventionsTerm 2 - D1
Evidence Based Public Health Policy & PracticeTerm 1
Extended EpidemiologyTerm 1
Extended ProjectTerm 2/3 - D1/D2/E
Family Planning ProgrammesTerm 2 - C2
Foundations for Health PromotionTerm 1
Foundations in Reproductive HealthTerm 1
Foundations of Global Eye Health and Eye Care Programmes (formerly Public Health Programmes in Eye Care: Principles & Examples)Term 1
Foundations of Medical StatisticsTerm 1
Fundamental Public Health NutritionTerm 1
Fundamentals of Climate Change and Planetary HealthTerm 1
Gender and Reproductive RightsTerm 2 - C1
Genomics Health DataTerm 2 - D1
Globalisation and HealthTerm 2 - D2
Health Care EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Health Data ManagementTerm 1
Health Decision ScienceTerm 2 - D2
Health Policy and System for Sexual and Reproductive HealthTerm 1
Health Policy, Process & PowerTerm 1
Health Promotion Approaches and MethodsTerm 2 - C1
Health ServicesTerm 1
Health Services LeadershipTerm 3 - E
Health Services ManagementTerm 3 - E
Health SystemsTerm 2 - C2
History and HealthTerm 2 - C2
HIVTerm 3 - E
Immunology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 1
Immunology of Clinical DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Immunology of Parasitic InfectionTerm 2 - D2
Implementing Eye Care Skills and ResourcesTerm 2 - D1
Integrated Vector ManagementTerm 3 - E
Integrating Module: Health PromotionTerm 3 - E
Introduction to Disease Agents & Their ControlTerm 1
Introduction to Global Mental Health (formerly Fundamentals in Global Mental Health)Term 1
Introduction to Health EconomicsTerm 1
Introduction to PharmacovigilanceFirst week of Feb
Introduction to Statistical ComputingTerm 1
Issues in Public HealthTerm 1
Machine LearningTerm 2 - C1
Malaria: from Science to Policy and PracticeTerm 2 - D1
Maternal and Child NutritionTerm 2 - C1
Medical Anthropology and Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Methods in Climate Change and Planetary HealthTerm 1
Modelling and the Dynamics of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Molecular and Cell Biology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Molecular Biology (suspended for 2024-25) 
Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA TechniquesTerm 2 - C1
Molecular Research in Infectious Diseases (suspended for 2023-24) 
Molecular VirologyTerm 2 - C2
MycologyTerm 2 - D2
Neglected Tropical DiseasesTerm 3 - E
Non-communicable Eye DiseaseTerm 2 - C2
Novel Drug Discovery & Antimicrobial ResistanceTerm 3 - E
Nutrition in EmergenciesTerm 2 - D1
Nutrition Programme PlanningTerm 3 - E
Nutrition Related Chronic DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Organisational ManagementTerm 2 - D1
Parasitology & EntomologyTerm 1
Pathogen GenomicsTerm 3 - E
Planetary Health in PracticeTerm 2 - D1
Population Dynamics and ProjectionsTerm 2 - D2
Population StudiesTerm 1
Population Poverty and EnvironmentTerm 2 - C2
Practical Research SkillsTerm 2 - C1
Principles and Practice of Public HealthTerm 3 - E
Principles of Social ResearchTerm 1
Programme Monitoring and Implementation ResearchTerm 2 - D1
ProgrammingTerm 1
Project Report - Extended ProjectTerm 2/3 - D1/D2/E
Project Report - Standard ProjectTerm 3
Research Proposal DevelopmentTerm 3 - E
Qualitative MethodologiesTerm 2 - C2
Research Design and AnalysisTerm 2 - C1
Reviewing the LiteratureTerm 2 - D2
Sexual and Reproductive Health and RightsTerm 1
Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy and ProgrammingTerm 2 - D2
Sexual HealthTerm 2 - D2
Skills for Field Research in Eye CareTerm 1
Social EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D1
Sociological Approaches to HealthTerm 2 - C1
Spatial Epidemiology in Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 2 - C2
Statistical Models for Discrete OutcomesTerm 2 - C1
Statistics for Epidemiology and Population Health (EPH)Term 1
Statistics for Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Study Design: Writing a Study ProposalTerm 2 - C1
Survival AnalysisTerm 2 - C2
Thinking Like A Health Data ScientistTerm 1
Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Public HealthTerm 1
Understanding and Applying Research EvidenceTerm 1
Understanding Leadership, Management & OrganisationsTerm 1
Vaccine ImmunologyTerm 3 - E
Vector Biology and Vector Parasite InteractionsTerm 2 - D2
Vector Sampling Identification and IncriminationTerm 2 - C1
Water Sanitation and Hygiene and HealthTerm 2 - D1


Intensive module specifications 2023-24
Abortion Policy and ProgrammingTerm 2 - C2
Advanced Diagnostic ParasitologyTerm 2 - C2
Advanced Immunology 1Term 2 - C1
Advanced Immunology 2Term 2 - C2
Advanced Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 3 - E
Advanced Training in Molecular BiologyTerm 2 - D1
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other DrugsTerm 2 - C2
Analysis of Electronic Health Record DataTerm 2 - D2
Analysing Survey and Population DataTerm 3 - E
Analysis & Design of Research StudiesTerm 1
Analysis of Hierarchical and other Dependent DataTerm 2 - D1
Applied Communicable Disease ControlTerm 2 - D1
Applying Public Health PrinciplesTerm 3 - E
Bacteriology & VirologyTerm 1
Basic EpidemiologyTerm 1
Basic Statistics for Public Health & PolicyTerm 1
Basic ParasitologyTerm 2 - D1
Bayesian AnalysisTerm 2 - D2
Causal Inference and Missing DataTerm 3 - E
Childhood Eye Diseases and Ocular InfectionsTerm 2 - C1
Climate Change and Planetary Health Research ProjectsTerm 3
Clinical TrialsTerm 1
Clinical Bacteriology 1Term 2 - C2
Clinical Bacteriology 2Term 2 - D2
Clinical VirologyTerm 2 - C1
Concepts and Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 1
Conflict and HealthTerm 2 - C2
Control of Sexually Transmitted InfectionsTerm 2 - D1
Current Issues in Maternal and Perinatal HealthTerm 2 - D1
Data ChallengeTerm 2 - C2
Demographic MethodsTerm 1
Design and Analysis of Epidemiological StudiesTerm 2 - C2
Design and Evaluation of Mental Health ProgrammesTerm 2 - D2
Designing Public Health ProgrammesTerm 2 - C1
Economic Analysis for Health PolicyTerm 2 - D1
Economic EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Environment, Health and Sustainable DevelopmentTerm 1
Environmental EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D2
Environmental Health PolicyTerm 3 - E
Epidemiological Methods Applied to Eye DiseasesTerm 1
Epidemiology and -omicsTerm 1
Epidemiology in PracticeTerm 1
Epidemiology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Epidemiology of Non-communicable DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Ethics, Public Health and Human RightsTerm 2 - D2
Evaluation of Public Health InterventionsTerm 2 - D1
Evidence Based Public Health Policy & PracticeTerm 1
Extended EpidemiologyTerm 1
Extended ProjectTerm 2/3 - D1/D2/E
Family Planning ProgrammesTerm 2 - C2
Foundations for Health PromotionTerm 1
Foundations in Reproductive HealthTerm 1
Foundations of Global Eye Health and Eye Care Programmes (formerly Public Health Programmes in Eye Care: Principles & Examples)Term 1
Foundations of Medical StatisticsTerm 1
Fundamental Public Health NutritionTerm 1
Fundamentals of Climate Change and Planetary HealthTerm 1
Gender and Reproductive RightsTerm 2 - C1
Genomics Health DataTerm 2 - D1
Global Disability and Mental HealthTerm 2 - D2
Globalisation and HealthTerm 2 - D2
Health Care EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Health Data ManagementTerm 1
Health Decision ScienceTerm 2 - D2
Health Policy and Systems for Sexual and Reproductive HealthTerm 1
Health Policy, Process & PowerTerm 1
Health Promotion Approaches and MethodsTerm 2 - C1
Health ServicesTerm 1
Health Services ManagementTerm 3 - E
Health SystemsTerm 2 - C2
History and HealthTerm 2 - C2
HIVTerm 3 - E
Immunology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 1
Immunology of Clinical DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Immunology of Parasitic InfectionTerm 2 - D2
Implementing Eye Care Skills and ResourcesTerm 2 - D1
Integrated Vector ManagementTerm 3 - E
Integrating Module: Health PromotionTerm 3 - E
Introduction to Disease Agents & Their ControlTerm 1
Introduction to Global Mental Health (formerly Fundamentals in Global Mental Health)Term 1
Introduction to Health EconomicsTerm 1
Introduction to Statistical ComputingTerm 1
Issues in Public HealthTerm 1
Machine LearningTerm 2 - C1
Malaria: from Science to Policy and PracticeTerm 2 - D1
Maternal and Child NutritionTerm 2 - C1
Medical Anthropology and Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Methods in Climate Change and Planetary HealthTerm 1
Modelling and the Dynamics of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Molecular and Cell Biology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Molecular BiologyTerm 1
Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA TechniquesTerm 2 - C1
Molecular Research in Infectious Diseases (suspended for 2023-24) 
Molecular VirologyTerm 2 - C2
MycologyTerm 3 - E
Neglected Tropical DiseasesTerm 3 - E
Non-communicable Eye DiseaseTerm 2 - C2
Novel Drug Discovery & Antimicrobial ResistanceTerm 3 - E
Nutrition in EmergenciesTerm 2 - D1
Nutrition Programme PlanningTerm 3 - E
Nutrition Related Chronic DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Organisational ManagementTerm 2 - D1
Parasitology & EntomologyTerm 1
Pathogen GenomicsTerm 3 - E
Planetary Health in PracticeTerm 2
Population StudiesTerm 1
Population Dynamics and ProjectionsTerm 2 - D2
Population Poverty and EnvironmentTerm 2 - C2
Practical Research SkillsTerm 2 - C1
Principles and Practice of Public HealthTerm 3 - E
Principles of Social ResearchTerm 1
Programme Monitoring and Implementation ResearchTerm 2 - D1
ProgrammingTerm 1
Project Report - Extended ProjectTerm 2/3 - D1/D2/E
Project Report - Standard ProjectTerm 3
Proposal DevelopmentTerm 3 - E
Qualitative MethodologiesTerm 2 - C2
Research Design and AnalysisTerm 2 - C1
Reviewing the LiteratureTerm 2 - D2
Sexual and Reproductive Health and RightsTerm 1
Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy and ProgrammingTerm 2 - D2
Sexual HealthTerm 2 - D2
Skills for Field Projects in Eye CareTerm 1
Social EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D1
Sociological Approaches to HealthTerm 2 - C1
Spatial Epidemiology in Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 2 - C2
Statistical Models for Discrete OutcomesTerm 2 - C1
Statistics for Epidemiology and Population Health (EPH)Term 1
Statistics for Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Study Design: Writing a Study ProposalTerm 2 - C1
Survival AnalysisTerm 2 - C2
Thinking Like A Health Data ScientistTerm 1
Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Public HealthTerm 1
Understanding and Applying Research EvidenceTerm 1
Understanding Leadership, Management & OrganisationsTerm 1
Vaccine ImmunologyTerm 3 - E
Vector Biology and Vector Parasite InteractionsTerm 2 - D2
Vector Sampling Identification and IncriminationTerm 2 - C1
Water Sanitation and Hygiene and HealthTerm 2 - D1
Intensive module specifications 2022-23

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Abortion Policy and ProgrammingTerm 2 - D1
Advanced Diagnostic ParasitologyTerm 2 - C2
Advanced Immunology 1Term 2 - C1
Advanced Immunology 2Term 2 - C2
Advanced Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 3 - E
Advanced Statistical ModellingTerm 3 - E
Advanced Training in Molecular BiologyTerm 2 - D1
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other DrugsTerm 2 - C2
Analysis of Electronic Health Record DataTerm 2 - D2
Analysing Survey and Population DataTerm 3 - E
Analysis & Design of Research StudiesTerm 1
Analysis of Hierarchical and other Dependent DataTerm 2 - D1
Applied Communicable Disease ControlTerm 2 - D1
Applying Public Health PrinciplesTerm 3 - E
Bacteriology & VirologyTerm 1
Basic EpidemiologyTerm 1
Basic Statistics for Public Health & PolicyTerm 1
Basic ParasitologyTerm 2 - D1
Childhood Eye Diseases and Ocular InfectionsTerm 2 - C1
Clinical TrialsTerm 1
Clinical Bacteriology 1Term 2 - C2
Clinical Bacteriology 2Term 2 - D2
Clinical VirologyTerm 2 - C1
Conflict and HealthTerm 2 - C2
Control of Sexually Transmitted InfectionsTerm 2 - D1
Current Issues in Maternal and Perinatal HealthTerm 2 - D1
Data ChallengeTerm 2 - C2
Demographic MethodsTerm 1
Design and Analysis of Epidemiological StudiesTerm 2 - C2
Design and Evaluation of Mental Health ProgrammesTerm 2 - D2
Designing Disease Control ProgrammesTerm 2 - C1
Economic Analysis for Health PolicyTerm 2 - D1
Economic EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Environment, Health and Sustainable DevelopmentTerm 1
Environmental EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D2
Environmental Health PolicyTerm 3 - E
Epidemiological Methods Applied to Eye DiseasesTerm 1
Epidemiology and -omicsTerm 1
Epidemiology for Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Epidemiology in PracticeTerm 1
Epidemiology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Epidemiology of Non-communicable DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Ethics, Public Health and Human RightsTerm 2 - D2
Evaluation of Public Health InterventionsTerm 2 - D1
Evidence Based Public Health Policy & PracticeTerm 1
Extended EpidemiologyTerm 1
Extended ProjectTerm 2/3 - D1
Family Planning ProgrammesTerm 2 - C2
Foundations for Health PromotionTerm 1
Foundations in Reproductive HealthTerm 1
Foundations of Global Eye Health and Eye Care Programmes (formerly Public Health Programmes in Eye Care: Principles & Examples)Term 1
Foundations of Medical StatisticsTerm 1
Fundamental Public Health NutritionTerm 1
Gender and Reproductive RightsTerm 2 - C1
Generalized Linear ModelsTerm 2 - C1
Genomics Health DataTerm 2 - D1
Global Disability and Mental HealthTerm 2 - D2
Globalisation and HealthTerm 2 - D2
Health Care EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Health Data ManagementTerm 1
Health Decision ScienceTerm 2 - D2
Health Policy and Systems for Sexual and Reproductive HealthTerm 1
Health Policy, Process & PowerTerm 1
Health Promotion Approaches and MethodsTerm 2 - C1
Health ServicesTerm 1
Health Services ManagementTerm 3 - E
Health SystemsTerm 2 - C2
History and HealthTerm 2 - C2
HIVTerm 3 - E
Immunology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 1
Immunology of Clinical DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Immunology of Parasitic InfectionTerm 2 - D2
Implementing Eye Care Skills and ResourcesTerm 2 - D1
Integrated Vector ManagementTerm 3 - E
Integrating Module: Health PromotionTerm 3 - E
Introduction to Disease Agents & Their ControlTerm 1
Introduction to Global Mental Health (formerly Fundamentals in Global Mental Health)Term 1
Introduction to Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Introduction to Health EconomicsTerm 1
Introduction to Statistical ComputingTerm 1
Issues in Public HealthTerm 1
Machine LearningTerm 2 - C1
Malaria: from Science to Policy and PracticeTerm 2 - C1
Maternal and Child NutritionTerm 2 - C1
Medical Anthropology and Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Modelling and the Dynamics of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Molecular and Cell Biology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Molecular BiologyTerm 1
Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA TechniquesTerm 2 - C1
Molecular Research in Infectious Diseases (suspended for 2022-23) 
Molecular VirologyTerm 2 - C2
MycologyTerm 3 - E
Neglected Tropical DiseasesTerm 3 - E
Non-communicable Eye DiseaseTerm 2 - C2
Novel Drug Discovery & Antimicrobial ResistanceTerm 3 - E
Nutrition in EmergenciesTerm 2 - D1
Nutrition Programme PlanningTerm 3 - E
Nutrition Related Chronic DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Organisational ManagementTerm 2 - D1
Parasitology & EntomologyTerm 1
Pathogen GenomicsTerm 3 - E
Population StudiesTerm 1
Population Dynamics and ProjectionsTerm 2 - D2
Population Poverty and Environment (suspended for 2022-23) 
Practical Research SkillsTerm 2 - C1
Principles and Practice of Public HealthTerm 3 - E
Principles of Social ResearchTerm 1
Programme Monitoring and Implementation ResearchTerm 2 - C1
ProgrammingTerm 1
Proposal DevelopmentTerm 3 - E
Qualitative MethodologiesTerm 2 - C2
Research Design and AnalysisTerm 2- C1
Reviewing the LiteratureTerm 2 - D2
Robust Statistical MethodsTerm 1 - second half of Term 1
Sexual and Reproductive Health and RightsTerm 1
Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy and ProgrammingTerm 2 - D2
Sexual HealthTerm 2 - D2
Skills for Field Projects in Eye CareTerm 1
Social EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D1
Sociological Approaches to HealthTerm 2 - C1
Spatial Epidemiology in Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 2 - C2
Statistics for Epidemiology and Population Health (EPH)Term 1
Statistics for Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Study Design: Writing a Study ProposalTerm 2 - C1
Survival Analysis and Bayesian StatisticsTerm 2 - D2
Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Public HealthTerm 1
Understanding and Applying Research EvidenceTerm 1
Understanding Leadership, Management & OrganisationsTerm 1
Vaccine ImmunologyTerm 3 - E
Vector Biology and Vector Parasite InteractionsTerm 2 - D2
Vector Sampling Identification and IncriminationTerm 2 - D1
Water Sanitation and Hygiene and HealthTerm 2 - D1
Intensive module specifications 2021-22

For full details of module availability, check our Module Availability Chart (pdf) - also available in excel format.

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Advanced Diagnostic ParasitologyTerm 2 - C2
Advanced Immunology 1Term 2 - C1
Advanced Immunology 2Term 2 - C2
Advanced Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 3 - E
Advanced Statistical ModellingTerm 3 - E
Advanced Training in Molecular BiologyTerm 2 - D1
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other DrugsTerm 2 - C2
Analysis of Electronic Health Record DataTerm 2 - D2
Analysing Survey and Population DataTerm 3 - E
Analysis & Design of Research StudiesTerm 1
Analysis of Hierarchical and other Dependent DataTerm 2 - D1
Antimicrobial ChemotherapyTerm 3 - E
Applying Communicable Disease ControlTerm 2 - D1
Applying Public Health PrinciplesTerm 3 - E
Bacteriology & VirologyTerm 1
Basic EpidemiologyTerm 1
Basic Statistics for Public Health & PolicyTerm 1
Basic ParasitologyTerm 2 - D1
Cell Biology of Host Pathogen InteractionsTerm 3 - E
Childhood Eye Diseases and Ocular InfectionsTerm 2 - C1
Clinical TrialsTerm 1
Clinical Bacteriology 1Term 2 - C2
Clinical Bacteriology 2Term 2 - D2
Clinical VirologyTerm 2 - C1
Conflict and HealthTerm 2 - C2
Control of Sexually Transmitted InfectionsTerm 2 - D1
Current Issues in Maternal and Perinatal HealthTerm 2 - D1
Data ChallengeTerm 2 - C2
Demographic MethodsTerm 1
Design and Analysis of Epidemiological StudiesTerm 2 - C2
Design and Evaluation of Mental Health ProgrammesTerm 2 - D2
Designing Disease Control ProgrammesTerm 2 - C1
Economic Analysis for Health PolicyTerm 2 - D1
Economic EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Environment, Health and Sustainable DevelopmentTerm 1
Environmental EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D2
Environmental Health PolicyTerm 3 - E
Epidemiological Methods Applied to Eye DiseasesTerm 1
Epidemiology and -omicsTerm 1
Epidemiology for Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Epidemiology in PracticeTerm 1
Epidemiology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Epidemiology of Non-communicable DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Ethics, Public Health and Human RightsTerm 2 - D2
Extended EpidemiologyTerm 1
Extended ProjectTerm 2/3 - D1
Evaluation of Public Health InterventionsTerm 2 - D1
Family Planning ProgrammesTerm 2 - C2
Foundations for Health PromotionTerm 1
Foundations in Reproductive HealthTerm 1
Foundations of Global Eye Health and Eye Care Programmes (formerly Public Health Programmes in Eye Care: Principles & Examples)Term 1
Foundations of Medical StatisticsTerm 1
Fundamental Public Health NutritionTerm 1
Generalized Linear ModelsTerm 2 - C1
Genomics Health DataTerm 2 - D1
Global Disability and Mental HealthTerm 2 - D2
Globalisation and HealthTerm 2 - D2
Health Care EvaluationTerm 2 - C1
Health Data ManagementTerm 1
Health Decision ScienceTerm 2 - D2
Health Policy, Process & PowerTerm 1
Health Promotion Approaches and MethodsTerm 2 - C1
Health ServicesTerm 1
Health Services ManagementTerm 3 - E
Health SystemsTerm 2 - C2
History and HealthTerm 2 - C2
HIVTerm 3 - E
Immunology of Infectious DiseasesTerm 1
Immunology of Clinical DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Immunology of Parasitic InfectionTerm 2 - D2
Implementing Eye Care Skills and ResourcesTerm 2 - D1
Integrated Vector ManagementTerm 3 - E
Integrating Module: Health PromotionTerm 3 - E
Introduction to Disease Agents & Their ControlTerm 1
Introduction to Global Mental Health (formerly Fundamentals in Global Mental Health)Term 1
Introduction to Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Introduction to Health EconomicsTerm 1
Introduction to Statistical ComputingTerm 1
Issues in Public HealthTerm 1
Machine LearningTerm 2 - C1
Malaria: from Science to Policy and PracticeTerm 2 - C1
Maternal and Child NutritionTerm 2 - C1
Medical Anthropology and Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Modelling and the Dynamics of Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D1
Molecular BiologyTerm 1
Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA TechniquesTerm 2 - C1
Molecular Research in Infectious DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Molecular VirologyTerm 2 - C2
MycologyTerm 3 - E
Neglected Tropical DiseasesTerm 3 - E
Non-communicable Eye DiseaseTerm 2 - C2
Nutrition in EmergenciesTerm 2 - D1
Nutrition Programme PlanningTerm 3 - E
Nutrition Related Chronic DiseasesTerm 2 - D2
Organisational ManagementTerm 2 - D1
Parasitology & EntomologyTerm 1
Pathogen GenomicsTerm 3 - E
Population StudiesTerm 1
Population Dynamics and ProjectionsTerm 2 - D2
Population Poverty and EnvironmentTerm 2 - C2
Practical Research SkillsTerm 2 - C1
Principles and Practice of Public HealthTerm 3 - E
Principles of Social ResearchTerm 1
ProgrammingTerm 1
Proposal DevelopmentTerm 3 - E
Qualitative MethodologiesTerm 2 - C2
Research Design and AnalysisTerm 2 - C1
Reviewing the LiteratureTerm 2 - D2
Robust Statistical MethodsTerm 1 - second half of Term 1
Sexual HealthTerm 2 - D2
Skills for Field Projects in Eye CareTerm 1
Social EpidemiologyTerm 2 - D1
Sociological Approaches to HealthTerm 2 - C1
Spatial Epidemiology in Public HealthTerm 2 - D1
Statistical Methods in EpidemiologyTerm 2 - C2
Statistics for Epidemiology and Population Health (EPH)Term 1
Statistics for Health Data ScienceTerm 1
Study Design: Writing a Study ProposalTerm 2 - C1
Survival Analysis and Bayesian StatisticsTerm 2 - D2
Tropical Medicine, Parasitology and Public HealthTerm 1
Vaccine ImmunologyTerm 3 - E
Vector Biology and Vector Parasite InteractionsTerm 2 - D2
Vector Sampling Identification and IncriminationTerm 2 - D1
Water Sanitation and Hygiene and HealthTerm 2 - D1