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Short courses

Short courses provide opportunities to study specialised topics in a broad range of public and global health fields in addition to those available through the MSc programmes.

We offer various learning formats, including in-person, hybrid, and online, to accommodate your schedule year-round. Each course emphasises practical knowledge and real-world applications, providing you with skills that can be applied in your field. 

Advance your career with LSHTM’s specialised short courses designed to fit your interests and professional goals. Our programmes are often taught by active researchers ensuring a high level of expertise and insight.

Available courses

The courses below are planned to run in 2024/2025. If the course is not yet open to applications, please register your interest.

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Course titleLocationDates
Advancing Nursing Practice in Global HealthcareOnlineApril 
AI in Health: Introduction to Key Concepts and ApplicationsLondonJuly
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): a Multidisciplinary ApproachOnlineJuly
Cancer Survival: Principles, Methods and ApplicationsLondonJuly
Design & Analysis of Cluster Randomised and Stepped Wedge TrialsLondon or OnlineJuly
Epidemiological Evaluation of Vaccines: Efficacy, Safety and PolicyLondonJune - July
Essentials of Clinical Trials (London)London or OnlineJuly 
Global Adolescent HealthLondon or OnlineJune 
Infectious Disease 'OmicsLondon or OnlineApril - May
Infection Prevention and Control in Global HealthcareOnlineJune 
Introductory Course in Epidemiology & Medical StatisticsLondon or OnlineJune - July
Introduction to Global Disability Issues: Developing Skills in Inclusive Research and Health PracticeOnlineJuly
Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling and Its ApplicationsLondon or OnlineJune 
Laboratory Diagnosis of MalariaLondonJune 
Laboratory Diagnosis of ParasitesLondonJune 
Outbreak Analytics and Applied Modelling in ROnline July - August 
Professional Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (DTM&H in London)LondonSeptember - December
Pandemics: Emergence, Spread and ResponseOnlineJanuary - February
Real-World Evidence in PharmacoepidemiologyOnlineOctober 
Researching Gender-based Violence: Methods and MeaningLondon or OnlineJune 
Statistical Analysis with Missing Data Using Multiple ImputationOnlineJune 

Future courses

The courses below may be offered in the future. Please register your interest and we will contact you when we open for applications.

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Course titleLocationDates (usually in)*
Advanced Course in Epidemiological AnalysisLondon or OnlineSeptember
Conducting Research on the Commercial Determinants of HealthOnlineNovember
Essentials of Clinical Trials (The Gambia)The GambiaFebruary 
Global Eye HealthOnlineNovember 
Global Health Primer for DoctorsOnlineMarch - May 
Introductory Course in Epidemiology & Medical Statistics (The Gambia)The GambiaJanuary - February
Introduction to Spatial Analysis in ROnlineJanuary
Model Fitting and Inference for Infectious Disease DynamicsLondonJuly 
Modern Techniques in ModellingLondon or OnlineSeptember
Professional Diploma in Tropical NursingOnlineMarch - July / September-January
Professional Certificate in Pharmacoepidemiology & PharmacovigilanceOnlineNovember - June
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses of Health ResearchOnlineNovember 
Travel MedicineLondonNovember

*Please note: dates provided are for guidance only and some short courses may run at alternative dates to previously in any given year.

Courses delivered at partner organisations

These short courses have previously been delivered together with partner organisations at the partner institution. These courses are currently closed for applications, but please check back for updates.

Course titleLocation
Building trust, managing risk around vaccines: from trials to deliveryUniversity of Antwerp
Vaccine HesitancyUniversity of Hong Kong
Vaccinology: Science and Public HealthNagasaki University