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Teaching and Diagnostic Unit

The Teaching and Diagnostic Unit (TDU) offers a referral service for the identification of parasites from human and primate clinical specimens, and provides teaching and practical training in Diagnostic Parasitology.

In addition to the diagnostic work, the TDU is responsible for the provision of parasitology, microbiology and entomology practical classes for the Faculty of Infectious & Tropical Diseases Masters and short courses.

Diagnostic Services

The TDU is comprised of the UK Health Security Agency (UK HSA) Malaria Reference Laboratory (MRL) and the LSHTM Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory (DPL). The Laboratories are accredited to ISO 15189 and provide both a reference and a primary diagnostic service to hospitals, private laboratories and clinics in the UK and overseas.

The DPL additionally offers a diagnostic service for zoos and primate sanctuaries. 

Both diagnostic laboratories perform a wide range of tests ranging from morphological identification and diagnosis by microscopy to molecular detection assays.

(Please note we are unable to give clinical advice or accept specimens directly from members of the public).

Malaria Reference Laboratory (MRL)

The Malaria Reference Laboratory performs approximately 1500 confirmations and diagnoses annually using microscopical and molecular diagnostic methods and, in addition, carries out molecular identification and drug resistance surveillance on blood samples submitted for malaria diagnosis.

Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory (DPL)

The Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory performs approximately 2000 diagnoses on a wide range of specimens and parasites annually. Alongside the routine diagnosis of faecal, blood and tissue parasites, the DPL provides an Acanthamoeba Keratitis Reference service, using microscopy, culture and PCR for the investigation of Acanthamoeba keratitis.

Staff are involved in research and developmental work on new and improved diagnostic methods.

Entomology Reference

The Entomology Reference Service performs identification of medically important insects, ticks and mites annually. We also provide information on the diseases associated with each specimen and other impacts on human health.

Teaching and training

The TDU is responsible for the provision of parasitology, microbiology and entomology practical classes for the Faculty of Infectious & Tropical Diseases Masters and Diploma courses including both the London based and East Africa based Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and the Diploma in Tropical Nursing.

The Unit runs two successful diagnostic short courses each year. The Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasites and Laboratory Diagnosis of Malaria courses attract clinical and biomedical staff from both UK and overseas pathology laboratories.

Senior staff are involved in the Distance Learning program and give lectures in areas of expertise to hospital pathology laboratories and at national and international meetings as well as to in-house students.

Staff in the TDU also give advice and training on a one to one basis to Biomedical Scientists, Clinical Scientists and clinical staff and to LSHTM research staff and MSc students undertaking research projects.

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