series event

AMR Data Symposium

This full day event, co-hosted by the LSHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Centre & Centre for Data and statistical Science for Health will bring together international global health experts involved in the generation, analysis, and use of quantitative antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data to inform decision-making.

Teal background with AMR Centre logo

The event aims to generate a shared understanding of available tools; to discuss challenges in data sharing across tools, sectors, and scales; and to identify opportunities for more effective ways to generate, share, and use quantitative AMR data in support of local, regional, and global AMR policy.

The day will consist of a mix of talks and panel discussions with Q&As, ending with a panel on new international targets for AMR, and the implications for AMR surveillance and research. Additionally, there will be engagement opportunities including networking sessions, discussions with peers, and interactive sessions. These will provide a platform for attendees to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and explore innovative solutions in AMR data analysis. A full programme will be shared soon.

This event is aimed at anyone working on AMR surveillance and quantitative AMR data analysis including policymakers, clinicians, academics, data experts and those developing tools as well as methods for analysing and collecting quantitative AMR and antibiotic usage data.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees.

In-person attendance is strongly encouraged to be able to participate in the event fully, but a Zoom link will be available for international attendees and those who are unable to attend in-person. All attendees must register.

On the registration form, you are invited to express interest in giving a short talk (5min) on your data tool. Presenters will be selected to represent the diversity of researchers at all career stages. The deadline to submit your interest is Tuesday 1st October.


Registration required

