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series event

Recent advances in sleep epidemiology

Exploring data from new modalities to measure sleep at home.

Centre for Global Chronic Conditions event

There is a growing body of evidence linking various sleep parameters to physical and mental health conditions.

In this Centre for Global Chronic Conditions (CGCC) online seminar, Professor Masao Iwagami from the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine in the University of Tsukuba, Japan, will present recent advances in sleep epidemiology, covering both sleep disorders based on electronic health records and sleep conditions in the general population based on primary data collection with new modalities to measure sleep at home.

Dr Helen Strongman will also discuss her work exploring how routinely collected UK data can be used to understand the epidemiology and healthcare experiences of people with the sleep disorders Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and narcolepsy. She will discuss research challenges shared with other uncommon or low-profile chronic conditions, and potential future health data research solutions.


Masao Iwagami

Professor Masao Iwagami completed an MSc in Epidemiology (2013/2014) and a PhD in Epidemiology and Population Health (2014-2018) at LSHTM, then in 2023, opened a new lab for sleep epidemiology at the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine. He is now collecting sleep data from the general population using new modalities such as a portable electroencephalography recorder and mobile apps, as well as conducting research projects on sleep disorders using electronic health records (EHRs) in Japan in collaboration with researchers in the Electronic Health Records Group at LSHTM. Prof Iwagami is an honorary staff member at LSHTM.

Helen Strongman

Dr Helen Strongman is an Associate Professor in LSHTM’s Electronic Health Records Group and an NIHR Advanced Fellow. Her research is informed by her expertise in research using routinely collected electric health records data, her lived experienced as a person with narcolepsy, and her role as Trustee and Director of Narcolepsy UK. Helen co-leads LSHTM’s Disability Network and is a commissioner on the recently launched Lancet Commission on Disability and Health.

Event notices

  • Please note this event is virtual only.
  • Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available


Free and open to all. No registration required.

