
Deputy Directors
Sherif Abouelhadid
Deputy Director
Research Fellow in Multivalent Vaccine

Rebecca Glover
Deputy Director
Management Committee

James H. Cross
Management Committee member

Richard Wall
Management Committee member

Megan Carey
Management Committee member

Anton Spadar
Management Committee member

Mollie Virgo
Centre Coordinator
Ndey fatou Drammeh
PhD student Representative
Steering committee
- Chair: Catherine Goodman
Senior Subject Expert, PHP
Catherine has been working in the field of health economics and health systems analysis at LSHTM since 1997. After a first degree in economics at Cambridge, and a Masters in development economics at SOAS, she spent two years working as an economic planner in the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Lesotho. After joining LSHTM her work mainly focused on the economics of malaria control, and she completed a PhD on the retail sector and malaria control in Tanzania. Between 2006 and 2011, she was based with the Kenyan Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) / Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Nairobi. She is now in London again, where her work focuses on understanding the private health care sector, access to malaria treatment and improving peripheral public health facility financial and management systems.
- Anthony Scott
Senior Subject Expert, EPH
Anthony Scott is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a long standing interest in invasive bacterial diseases of children. For the last 25 years he has worked at the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Kilifi, Kenya, where he established integration of clinical, microbiological and demographic surveillance for invasive bacterial infections. He has studied longitudinal trends in anti-microbial resistance in Kilifi and examined risk factors for drug resistant infections. He co-authored the implementation manual for the Fleming Fund surveillance and served on their technical advisory group. He has a particular interest in the use of vaccines to reduce drug resistant infections.
- Martin Antonio
Senior Subject Expert, MRC The Gambia
Professor Martin Antonio is the leader of the molecular biology group at the MRC Unit The Gambia and was recently awarded an honorary professorship at the Division of Microbiology & Immunity, Warwick Medical School, Coventry, UK. He is also the Director of WHO Regional Reference Laboratory for Invasive Bacterial Diseases and the MRC Programme Leader-Track at MRCG. Originally from Ghana, Martin trained in molecular microbiology in the UK and set up the molecular microbiology research group in 2005, when he was first appointed at MRCG. Since then, Martin was instrumental in establishing the molecular capabilities at The Unit. Martin’s research is focused on the leverage of new molecular technologies in diagnosis of tropical infections, investigation of microbial transmission and clinical trials.
- Alison Grant
Senior Subject Expert, ITD
Alison's main research interest is improving care for people with HIV in developing countries, and preventing TB. Major projects include a cluster-randomised trial investigating a point-of-care TB test and treat algorithm for people with advanced HIV disease in South Africa; evaluation of South African national roll-out of Xpert MTB/RIF, a new TB diagnostic test replacing smear microscopy; investigation of how best to use Xpert MTB/RIF among people attending clinics for HIV care; linkage to care after a rifampicin-resistant Xpert MTB/RIF result in South Africa; and a trial comparing a single round of weekly isoniazid/rifapentine to periodic treatment. In collaboration with colleagues in South Africa, she has been involved with the design, implementation and evaluation of an HIV care programme in workplace and community settings.
- Claire Heffernan
Senior Subject Expert, LIDC
Claire Heffernan is a veterinarian with training in the social sciences. She joined LIDC from the School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bristol where she was Head of Infection and Immunity. Claire has extensive experience of inter-disciplinary research grounded in the challenges faced by poorer communities. For example, in 2000, she founded the Livestock Development Group (LDG) at the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development at the University of Reading. This was in response to the need for a meta-disciplinary approach to the problems faced by the global poor.
- Anne Mills
LSHTM Deputy Director and Provost
Anne Mills has researched and published widely in the fields of health economics and health systems in low- and middle-income countries and has had continuing involvement in supporting capacity development in health economics in low- and middle-income country universities and research institutions. She has advised multilateral, bilateral and government agencies on numerous occasions, and was a member of WHO’s Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. Anne was President of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) for 2012-13, and is a fellow of the Royal Society.
- Katharina Kranzer
Senior Subject Expert, ITD
Katharina is an Honorary Consultant in Clinical Microbiology at the University College London Hospital and holds an appointment at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. She is currently based in Harare, where she co-directs The Health Research Unit (THRU-Zim) which is part of the Biomedical Research and Training Institute. Her research interests include tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and antimicrobial resistance – of which she is involved in a number of studies in Africa. In collaboration with Dr Tom Darton at the University of Sheffield and Dr Justin Dixon, she is investigating the effect of the 2019 conjugated typhoid vaccine campaign on antimicrobial prescribing in Harare, Zimbabwe.