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Work experience with ICED - 2025
Over the years, we have had candidates contribute to our research projects by conducting surveys, writing systematic reviews, completing desk research, and more. The programme is designed for candidates with disabilities to gain work experience in research within an academic setting.
We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications from individuals with disabilities, to intern with ICED.
We expect the work experience programme to commence in approximately six months, with successful candidates having the opportunity to work with ICED for up to three months.
We will strongly consider the following candidates:
- An interest in pursuing a career in research
- Preference given to people from LMICs
- People holding a Bachelor’s degree (minimum), ideally a Master’s degree.
Please complete the application form for consideration.
ICED talks
Disability-Inclusive Education and Employment
This film presents findings from a research project on Disability-Inclusion in Education and Employment in seven countries in Africa (Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal and Uganda). The film was created with young people with disabilities from Uganda and Ghana who participated in the study.
The research was conducted in partnership with ICED, Mastercard Foundation, the University of Abuja, the University of Ghana, Lifetime Consulting Ltd, Addis Ababa University, University of Nairobi, Global Advocacy and Research Group and MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Group. It was funded by Mastercard Foundation.
Phase 1 study reports, on the policy landscape, are available here. Phase 2 reports, based on interviews with young people with disabilities in each country, will follow. A film, about the research findings, created with young people with disabilities who participated in the study can be seen here.
COVID-19 Support and Guidance
The situation with COVID-19 is rapidly changing. We have gathered a list of resources about COVID-19 to share with caregivers, children & young people and education, health and social care practitioners to navigate the dynamic situation of the COVID-19 response, and the many impacts that it will have. We hope that they are helpful and we will continue to add new resources as they become available.
- Information on how parent groups have been run post ‘lock-down’ in Rwanda
- Guidelines on what to consider to run groups safely in the context of COVID-19
- A range of free digital COVID-19 educational resources for children: download Axel Scheffler’s book, download a copy of Lydia Monk’s book
- Share your story and contribute to voices of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 outbreak: voices
- LSHTM’s free online course for anyone who is interested to learn about what we know about COVID-19, and how we should respond to the outbreak
- A course that introduces COVID-19, created for teenagers and young adults
- Presentation from the International Centre for Evidence in Disability: making the response disability-inclusive
- Paper on what we can learn from a disability inclusive response
Animated videos on child development and developmental disability
Download and use these animated videos from ICED on child developmental and developmental disability, with versions in English, Portuguese and Spanish. The first of these videos provides information on child development across different domains and considers how this process can be disrupted for some children. The second explores the challenges and barriers in the lives of people with a developmental disability, and how support strategies can help an individual better participate in their community.
Please use these videos in your own teaching, support groups or in any other forum, appropriately acknowledging the International Centre for Evidence in Disability at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
The videos are available in English, Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish.
View the English videos below:
View the English videos with subtitles here:
- Child development video with English subtitles
- Developmental disability video with English subtitles
View the Portuguese (Brazil) videos with subtitles here:
- Child development video with Portuguese (Brazil) subtitles
- Developmental disability video with Portuguese (Brazil) subtitles
View the Spanish videos with subtitles here:
Supporting Families Affected by Zika virus
Children with developmental disabilities and their families
Join a global community to share ideas, access the latest research, find solutions, meet new people and collaborate on innovative and exciting projects.
Community Ear and Hearing Health Journal
This annual publication promotes good ear and hearing health in low and middle-income countries.
It's a forum for exchanging ideas, experience and information that facilitate continuing education for all levels of health worker. It is delivered to almost 4,000 healthcare providers worldwide. Some issues have been translated into French and Spanish.
Press articles
Read articles on ICED activity in the international press and on Use disability resources from across the web.
Global Health and Disability
All files and contents in this folder are © LSHTM unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to reuse, adapt and share these files for non-commercial teaching and learning purposes without asking for permission. You must acknowledge the International Centre for Evidence in Disability, LSHTM as the original creator and provide a link to our website: We would also very much appreciate hearing how you are using the content, please let us know at
- Download full course
- Download content from each week
- Week 1: Disability and its importance to the global development agenda
ZIP (522MB)|ZIP (no videos) (9MB) - Week 2: Health, wellbeing and disability
ZIP (807MB)|ZIP (no videos) (19MB) - Week 3: Access to health care and rehabilitation services
ZIP (904MB)|ZIP (no videos) (154MB)
- Week 1: Disability and its importance to the global development agenda
- Download individual resources
Video: Welcome to the course
Week 1: Disability and its importance to the global development agenda
Video: Welcome to week 1
Video & teaching slides: Why does disability matter globally?
- Video (MP4 74.9MB)
- Step text and transcript (PDF 80KB)
- Teaching slides (PDF 954KB)
- References (PDF 88KB)
Video: Why does disability matter – Personal perspectives
Article: Why does disability matter – individual case studies
Article: Why does disability matter to International Development? Part 1
Article: Nothing about us without us
- Article (PDF 122KB)
- References (PDF 188KB)
- Disability and the SDGs – How relevant is each SDG to disability? (PDF 632KB)
Video: What does disability mean – personal perspectives
Video: Attitudes to disability
Video: What does disability mean – a framework
Article: Measuring disability: Why would you want to and how do you do it?
Video: What is the relationship between impairments and disability?
Video: what are the common impairments related to disability?
- Video (MP4 42MB)
- Step text and transcript (PDF 81KB)
- Teaching slides (PDF 2MB)
- References (PDF 266KB)
Article: Why does impairment matter?
Video: Summary of week 1
Video: Welcome to week 2