MARCH Steering Committee
MARCH Director team
Adolescents theme

Nambusi Kyegombe
Adolescent Theme Lead

Aoife Doyle
Adolescent Theme Lead
Birth theme
Georges Reniers
Birth Theme Lead

Uduak Okomo
Birth Theme Lead - MRC Unit The Gambia
Child theme

Amaya Bustinduy
Child Theme Lead

Daniela Manno
Child Theme Lead
Cross cutting themes
Susannah Mayhew
Climate Theme Lead

Manuela Colombini
Gender Based Violence Centre Representative

Melisa Martinez-Alvarez
Cross Theme Lead - MRC Unit The Gambia
Juliana Enos
African MSc RHSR Rep

Mandi Tembo
Post-doc liaison

Farirai Nzvere

Ailish O'Sullivan
Communications Officer
Philanthropic support