

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

NEWTON, R; Casabonne, D; Johnson, A; Pharoah, P;
Twin research : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies, (2003).6 2 10.1375/136905203321536191.
Harwood, CA; McGregor, JM; Swale, VJ; Proby, CM; Leigh, IM; NEWTON, R; Khorshid, SM; Cerio, R;
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, (2003).48 3 10.1067/mjd.2003.97.
Cao, H; KALEEBU, P; Hom, D; Flores, J; Agrawal, D; Jones, N; SERWANGA, J; Okello, M; Walker, C; Sheppard, H; El-Habib, R; Klein, M; Mbidde, E; Mugyenyi, P; Walker, B; Ellner, J; Mugerwa, R; HIV Network for Prevention Trials,;
The Journal of infectious diseases, (2003).187 6 10.1086/368020.
Zech, B; Kurtenbach, A; Krieger, N; Strand, D; Blencke, S; Morbitzer, M; Salassidis, K; COTTEN, M; Wissing, J; Obert, S; Bartenschlager, R; Herget, T; Daub, H;
The Journal of general virology, (2003).84 Pt 3 10.1099/vir.0.18801-0.
Kamali, A; Quigley, M; Nakiyingi, J; Kinsman, J; Kengeya-Kayondo, J; Gopal, R; Ojwiya, A; HUGHES, P; Carpenter, LM; WHITWORTH, J;
Lancet, (2003).361 9358 10.1016/s0140-6736(03)12598-6.
ELLIOTT, AM; MAWA, PA; Joseph, S; Namujju, PB; Kizza, M; Nakiyingi, JS; Watera, C; Dunne, DW; WHITWORTH, JA;
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, (2003).97 1 10.1016/s0035-9203(03)90040-x.
Hodgkinson, VH; BIRUNGI, J; Quintana, M; Dietze, R; Munstermann, LE;
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, (2003).69 4
Armbruster, P; Damsky, WE; Giordano, R; BIRUNGI, J; Munstermann, LE; Conn, JE;
Journal of medical entomology, (2003).40 3 10.1603/0022-2585-40.3.356.