

MRC Uganda Publications

Browse a collection of academic publications and research papers, contributed to by personnel from the Unit.

Mayanja-Kizza, H; WAJJA, A; Wu, M; Peters, P; Nalugwa, G; Mubiru, F; Aung, H; Vanham, G; Hirsch, C; Whalen, C; Ellner, J; Toossi, Z;
The Journal of infectious diseases, (2001).183 12 10.1086/320724.
Hodsdon, WS; Luzze, H; HURST, TJ; Quigley, MA; Kyosiimire, J; Namujju, PB; Johnson, JL; KALEEBU, P; Okwera, A; ELLIOTT, AM;
AIDS (London, England), (2001).15 4 10.1097/00002030-200103090-00005.
Impagnatiello, MA; Weitzer, S; Gannon, G; Compagni, A; COTTEN, M; Christofori, G;
The Journal of cell biology, (2001).152 5 10.1083/jcb.152.5.1087.
Morgan, D; KALEEBU, P; WHITWORTH, J; Yirrell, D; Rutebemberwa, A; Shier, R; Sebabi, B; Gilmour, J; Eotu, H; Omoding, N; Gotch, F;
International journal of STD & AIDS, (2001).12 2 10.1258/0956462011916758.
Glotzer, JB; Michou, AI; Baker, A; Saltik, M; COTTEN, M;
Journal of virology, (2001).75 5 10.1128/jvi.75.5.2421-2434.2001.
KALEEBU, P; Ross, A; Morgan, D; Yirrell, D; Oram, J; Rutebemberwa, A; Lyagoba, F; Hamilton, L; Biryahwaho, B; WHITWORTH, J;
AIDS (London, England), (2001).15 3 10.1097/00002030-200102160-00001.
Rodenburg, CM; Li, Y; Trask, SA; Chen, Y; Decker, J; Robertson, DL; Kalish, ML; Shaw, GM; Allen, S; Hahn, BH; Gao, F; UNAIDS and NIAID Networks for HIV Isolation and Ch,;
AIDS research and human retroviruses, (2001).17 2 10.1089/08892220150217247.
Compagni, A; Wilgenbus, P; Impagnatiello, MA; COTTEN, M; Christofori, G;
Cancer research, (2001).60 24