
2024-25 Hintze Scholarship for MSc Climate Change & Planetary Health

Applications are invited for an MSc studentship in Climate Change & Planetary Health, to start in the academic year 2024-25. This scholarship has been generously funded by the Hintze Family Charitable Foundation and the LSHTM Centre for Climate Change & Planetary Health in order to recruit one full time London-based intensive Masters student in 2024-25.


The studentship will provide:

  • tuition fees (at the LSHTM Home or Overseas fee rate), and
  • a student stipend (at the UKRI studentship rate, which is GBP 20,622.00 in 2023-24) for the duration of the award.


This scholarship is open to applicants intending to study the London-based intensive MSc in Climate Change and Planetary Health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2024-25. Only full-time students are eligible.

Applicants must meet minimum LSHTM entry requirements. Please see the specific MSc programme information for further details.

These studentships are open to applicants assessed as both ‘Home’ and ‘Overseas’ fee status.  For further information about Fee Status Assessments please see the School’s policy and procedure document.

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

  • have a strong rationale on why they would like to study the MSc programme
  • be able to explain how the MSc would enable them to pursue their anticipated career path linked to climate change and planetary health
  • have received formal mathematics education beyond the age of 16 (e.g. secondary school exams, or mathematics modules in undergraduate or post-graduate degrees).
  • confirm in writing that they would not otherwise be able to pay for the proposed programme of study

Preference will be given to students that are nationals of, and residents in, low- to middle-income countries as defined by the World Bank.

How to apply

The application process has two steps. To be considered for the funding, applicants must meet all eligibility criteria and complete both steps outlined below.

Step 1

Submit an application for 2024-25 for a MSc Climate Change & Planetary Health, as per instructions under the ‘How to Apply’ tab on the relevant programme of study page.

Step 2

  • In your application to study you should select the scholarships you are applying for in the ‘Funding details’ part of the application form. If you do not select the 24-25 Hintze Scholarship for MSc Climate Change & Planetary Health on your application, you will not be considered for this funding.
  • Attach a scholarships application form (.docx) to your application to study completed in Step 1. A completed scholarships application form must be uploaded as part of this application. This is the only scholarships attachment required (as applicants should have already submitted references; transcripts; a CV etc as part of their application for study).

Deadline for application

  • The application deadline is 23:59 (GMT) on Monday 27 May 2024.

Important information – please read:

  • Applicants are advised to complete Step 1 early to allow time for their GBP 50.00 LSHTM admissions application fee payment to be processed. Until the payment is processed applicants will be unable to submit an application for study.
  • We recommend that applicants for this funding complete and submit their application for study at least 2-3 days prior to the scholarships deadline to ensure that there are no Admissions or payment processing delays which could impact on meeting the scholarship deadline.
  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered for this funding. Incomplete applications include those with missing documents at either Step 1 or 2 above.
  • Both the application to study and the scholarship application form must be submitted by the scholarship deadline as stated in this scholarships advert. Applicants should ensure that all necessary supplementary documents are submitted via LSHTM’s Admissions Portal by the scholarship deadline.
  • Applicants whose application for study is successful will be asked to pay a deposit within 28 days of the offer of admission being sent. Applicants applying for scholarships at LSHTM must email the Admissions Team to advise that they are awaiting the scholarship outcome (applicants must provide the Admissions team with both the name of the scholarship and the expected decision date in this email). This must be repeated for every application for which the applicant has applied. The Admissions team will then extend the deposit deadline to match the decision deadline of the scholarship funding.
  • Applicants who encounter any technical difficulties whilst using the Admissions application portal should contact LSHTM’s IT Services team, providing the full name of the applicant; the scholarship that is being applied for; and the technical issue that has been encountered. Please also attach a screen shot where possible:
  • For any queries about the application process, scholarship requirements or application deadline, please contact the LSHTM Scholarships team:
  • By applying for this funding applicants agree to its Terms & Conditions.
  • Please note that all applications will only be reviewed and processed after the deadline. All applications that are submitted before the deadline will be considered equally, regardless of submission date.   
  • Decisions will be reached, and the successful applicants notified, by Friday 14 June 2024.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the decision deadline has had to be extended. The Scholarships team will now share decisions the week beginning 01 July 2024.