All available scholarships funding is advertised on the LSHTM Funding pages via the:
- Masters funding table (for new MSc students)
- Research degree funding table (for new research degree - MPhil/PhD and DrPH – students)
- Current students funding (for current – ie registered – students).
For the purpose of all funding adverts and Terms & Conditions, the terms scholarship and studentship may be used interchangeably.
General terms and conditions
Below are the general terms and conditions relating to all scholarships for prospective and current students. Some scholarship funding has additional information and variations to the general terms and conditions section. These have been highlighted under the ‘Additional information and variations’ section below, and should be read in conjunction with the general T&Cs.
- Application and admission
- Funding offer
All decisions taken by Scholarships panels are final and there is no provision for appeal.
The successful applicant(s) will be sent an offer of scholarship funding by email. This offer will confirm the funding available (confirming and updating details from the advert).
Studentship funding offers are made on the stipulation that award recipients
a) submit an appropriate application for study, where applicable and required to do so, and
b) meet all conditions of their offer of admission before initial registration (and by any deadlines set by the institution and/or funder).
To accept the offer of scholarship funding the successful applicant must email the scholarships team at as soon as possible, and by the deadline date stated on the award letter and/or in the email at the latest.
At the time the award recipient accepts their offer of funding the Scholarships team will produce a formal letter confirming details of the award. (If an award recipient does not receive this please contact the Scholarships team immediately.) Award recipients are asked to keep their copy of this letter for the duration of award as confirmation of funding (to be used whenever they are required to prove their scholarship).
If the LSHTM Scholarships team does not receive a response from the award recipient by this date we will assume the nominated candidate is declining this award. Therefore, we will retract our funding offer and make an offer for the same award to the next ranked (reserve) candidate.
Accepting a funding award constitutes a legal signature that the award recipient acknowledges and agrees to abide by all scholarship terms and conditions and will pursue the programme of study outlined with the funding offer.
A change of programme or transfer to another educational institution is not permitted without the permission of the Scholarships team and funder.
- Travel
If outbound flights (from the award recipient’s home country to the UK at the start of the programme) and return (homebound at the end of the programme) are part of the Scholarship award – and noted on the advert and award letter -, students are expected to liaise with the Scholarships team in Registry, who will book the flights on the student’s behalf. The Scholarships team will only book a UK-bound flight once they have confirmation that the award recipient has the relevant visa/passport to enter the UK and register as a student. Under no circumstances should award recipients whose funding covers flights book their own travel, unless their scholarship advert states this or they have been instructed to do so by the Scholarships team in Registry.
Travelling Scholarships
Students in receipt of a travelling scholarship – that is, funding for current students that includes a travel element for a project – are expected to:
- keep costs to a reasonable minimum value
- be conscious of their environmental impact when planning and booking travel
- arrange suitable travel and health insurance through LSHTM ahead of dates of travel and covering the full duration away from the UK
- following LSHTM, FCDO, and host country guidance.
Students in receipt of scholarship funding available for travel must follow the policy, guidance and requirements of LSHTM (including LSHTM travel insurance), UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), and the destination government, at the time of the proposed and actual fieldwork and/or travel. Students must review the relevant application at each stage and follow current guidance at that time.
Any scholarship award made does not automatically constitute institutional approval, or remove institutional requirements for paperwork and approval to travel.
Where required, ethics approval – LSHTM and local - must be obtained prior to travel and will need to be submitted to the Scholarships team in Registry before any funding can be released.
- Satisfactory academic progress and behaviour
Award recipients (funded students) must diligently pursue their programme of study and maintain satisfactory academic progress and a good standing towards degree requirements for the duration of their enrolment.
LSHTM and the funders expect students to adhere to LSHTM’s behavioural guidelines and regulations for students.
Award recipients who do not may be at risk of losing their funding. For further information on institutional guidelines and regulations and handbooks for students, please see:
- Regulations, policies and procedures for students
- Regulatory documents
- Academic regulations
- Virtual student hub (intranet only)
Award recipients will remain in residence at the School for the full duration of the academic period (excepting reading week and holiday/non-term periods, and – where applicable – during periods of approved internship or fieldwork).
Award recipients are expected to maintain regular contact with their academic supervisor and personal tutors.
Award recipients shall not serve as an official representative (whether diplomatic, consular or otherwise) of any government.
- Misuse or mispayment of funding
The award recipient must inform the scholarships team immediately of any changes to their personal circumstances during the period of support which could affect the award. Information to share includes, but is not limited to: a change of address (even temporarily); absence for more than 4 days at any one time from the award recipient’s study (excluding institutional holidays and Director’s days); involvement in any legal action (civil or criminal) actual or threatened.
If an alteration in circumstances occurs and it transpires that excess grant funding has been paid, the award recipient agrees to refund the excess to the institution (or funding body, in instructed).
Funds paid to the award recipient once the award has been terminated, or paid in error, or inappropriately, will be reclaimed.
The award recipient must understand that the giving of any false information or withholding of relevant information may lead to the termination of any allowance granted and the institution of proceedings for the recovery of any amounts paid by LSHTM/funding body.
- Scholarship profiles
Award recipients agree to write a 250-word student profile for use in LSHTM publications and on the website. They also give consent to LSHTM to announce their name and funding award and to use photographic images of them as award recipient/s in LSHTM/funder publications and on the website.
- Contact with donors
Where a scholarship has been made possible by a gift or donation to LSHTM, the award recipient may be required to write a short (50-100 word) thank-you letter to the donor and/or follow that up with a report. They may be asked to make themselves available to meet with the donor in person. The Development & Alumni Relations Office (DARO) will contact the award recipients that are required to do this, and will provide guidance on the suggested content of the thank you letter and/or report, and/or identify dates and times for meeting the donor.
- Privacy statement
How we use your personal data
In awarding a studentship LSHTM has collected and recorded data about you in connection with administering your application and awarding your studentship.
The legal basis on which we collect and process your data is that you have either provided your consent, it is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation or to perform our responsibilities under an agreement with you, or there is a legitimate interest in us doing so. We have a legitimate interest in administering and delivering our studentship awards and to that extent collect and process personal data of our award recipients.
We will process your personal data in the future to administer your studentship and for managing any current and future activities. This includes monitoring your studentship, making relevant payments, contacting you about the progress and status of the studentship and carrying out historical analysis of our studentship process. We will share your data with any relevant funding partners (e.g. any research council for a UKRI funded award, or the Bloomsbury Colleges group for a Bloomsbury Colleges PhD studentship) or directly with the funder (e.g. J&J for the MSc Global Mental Health studentships) as part of managing your studentship.
We will keep your data secure and retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The retention period for studentship data is seven years from the end of funding date (overall grant for multi-year, multi-award funds; individual studentship for one-off funding).
Our Data Protection Policy and your rights
Our studentships are administered through LSHTM. Therefore, for more information about the way in which the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine processes personal data and your rights please see the School’s data protection policy or contact the Data Protection Officer at
If you are unhappy with the way in which we have handled your personal data, please contact us using the details above. You are also entitled to make a complaint to the Information Commissioners Office in the UK.
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
LSHTM’s current scholarship data shows that we are currently far from supporting students effectively when it comes to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). The Scholarships team, along with many other teams at LSHTM, are working on a number of initiatives to change this where possible.
In order to help us to measure changes, we would be grateful if applicants would complete any EDI data requests (usually through an Equal Opportunities Form) – if they feel comfortable to do so – so that we can critically evaluate our support at every stage, and find ways to improve it where we fall short.
Any data that is used in reporting will be anonymised and aggregated.
- Post Award Payments
Details of the funding available for each scholarship award is outlined in the specific scholarship advert. The exact value will also be confirmed in the formal scholarship award letter, provided at the time of the award offer to the successful applicant.
Studentship funding will only be paid out following an award recipient’s registration for study at the School. No funding is passed to award recipients in advance of registration unless the funder allows this (and in the very few awards where this is the case, the Scholarships team will be in touch with award recipient/s, when appropriate, with details).
Where a studentship covers tuition fees, the Scholarships team will liaise with the Fees team and the tuition fees will be paid to the Finance Office on your behalf.
Scholarship award values are advertised at the full-time equivalent (FTE) for a full academic year. Fees will be pro-rated for any periods of registration (eg late start date, periods of Interruption of Study (IoS), part-time study).
Fees will only be paid for the duration of the award, whilst the award recipient is registered for study on the relevant programme of study, and within the conditions of the funding.
If an award recipient receives a fees invoice in error they should contact Scholarships with a copy of the invoice for further investigation and discussion.
Where a scholarship provides a stipend this will be administered and arranged by the Scholarships team.
Stipends are paid monthly in advance. Stipend payments will be made on the 24th of each month (or the nearest working day to it) for the coming month, e.g. a stipend paid on 24th October is a stipend for the period 1st to 30th November.
Scholarship award values are advertised at the full-time equivalent (FTE) for a full academic year. Stipends will be pro-rated for any periods of registration (eg late start date, periods of IoS, part-time study).
Stipends are tax-free payments. Students who earn additional sums (eg from teaching and demonstrating) should be aware that their stipend will be included in the aggregated amounts earned when assessing for income tax liability. If you have any queries about income tax during your registration please contact the Payroll Office at LSHTM, who will be able to provide advice.
No additional payments will be made for a student’s National Insurance contributions. Award recipients may wish to pay contributions as 'non-employed persons'. They should seek advice first as there are some implications for doing this.
An award recipient’s initial payment is paid by cheque, available for collection from the Payroll office after in-person registration. Students must provide Payroll with bank details (preferably UK bank account details) as soon as possible for subsequent payments.
** Different procedures are in place for award recipients starting in 2020-21 and 2021-2. These are available on the LSHTM intranet, and have been shared with recipients via their Welcome email. **Payments made to a non-UK bank account are likely to incur fees and may be variable (depending on the exchange rate at the time of payment). By choosing to use a non-UK bank account the award recipient acknowledges that any reduction of value – from the award’s GBP value – will be borne by them.
Registered continuing students will receive their stipend payments as usual into their bank account at the start of each subsequent year of study for the duration of their scholarship.
Award recipients in receipt of a FTE stipend shall not accept any other award intended as a maintenance allowance for the same study.
Other award payments (including RTSG and travel and conference allowances)
Details of any other allowances, including additional research training and support grant (RTSG) or travel and conference allowances, are outlined in the scholarship award letter.
Scholarship award values are usually advertised at the full-time equivalent (FTE) for a full academic year. Where this is the case, these allowances will be pro-rated for any periods of registration (eg late start date, periods of Interruption of Study (IoS), part-time study). In addition, should an award recipient’s status change during the year adjustments will be retrospectively recalculated to reflect the changes. Award recipients should be aware that this may result in the amount available to them for the year being lower than it previously was.
Allowances for research degree scholarship award recipients are usually administered by staff in their faculty (Research Degree Administrators in EPH and PHP, and Departmental Managers in ITD). Award recipients should liaise with the relevant person to access these funds.
The recipient of an award with other allowances (that is, anything in addition to fees and stipend) will be required to update and maintain an expenditure spreadsheet during the tenure of their award, and will be asked (by email from the Scholarships team) to update it at least quarterly. It is essential that students take the time to note all expenditure as they go, so that we have a full list of expenditure, if required, for reporting purposes.
All funding is student-specific; it can only be used for the award recipient’s expenses.
All expenditure against any studentship award funding must be:
- reasonable, and
- within the funder criteria and requirements, and
- only for the student’s project (not support for the supervisor’s overall research), and
- approved the student’s supervisory team.
- Acknowledgement and recognition
Award recipients agree to acknowledge the funder for their research in all publications, posters, theses, and other forms of media communications. If their funder does not provide guidance on this, they will use UKRI guidance as provided in the UKRI Training Grant T&Cs as a template.
- End of Award
Where a scholarship requires award recipients to return home at the end of the funding, the Scholarships team will expect the award recipient to abide by this. If a scholarship applicant does not wish to tie themselves to this commitment they should not apply for scholarship funding where this requirement is made clear. If a scholarship with this commitment is terminated early, the award recipient will be expected to return home immediately.
Award recipients may be required to provide information after their end of funding date, if this is a condition of their funding. In some cases, this will be fairly simple such as a report or first destination data (a student’s first step after graduating ie into work or further study or other). In others this will be far more complicated and will be required over a number of years, such as UKRI-funded students being required to complete Researchfish outcomes for three years after the end of an award. By accepting studentship funding, the award recipient confirms that they will commit to reporting, and helping the Scholarships team to report, to funders as required (including updating their contact email address when this changes).
- Completion and submission
Programmes of study must be completed within the period of funding unless otherwise confirmed by the Scholarships team and/or funder.
Research degree award recipients must submit their thesis no later than the expected submission date set by the funding body or LSHTM’s expected submission date, whichever of the two comes first.
- Complaints
Applicants and students who wish to complain about the service or facility provided by LSHTM; information provided in print, web or on social media; behaviour of other students or staff, or other similar matters should read the LSHTM Complaints Policy and use the Student Complaints Form to do so.
Additional information and variations
Applicants and students funded by UKRI awards are expected to read and follow information for both their own studentship and for UKRI-wide section.
Information below will cover both new awards being offered and current funding. Applicants should be aware that not all funding awards (as listed below) will be available for application (some scholarships are one-off awards with the award recipient/s already registered at LSHTM).
- Ancillary Care PhD Studentship
- Basia Zaba
Applicants are expected to hold a current offer of admission for the MSc Demography and Health intensive programme.
During award selection preference will be given to prospective students with a demonstrable interest in the field of demographic estimation, or, the demography of low-income countries.
Applicants must satisfy all the conditions stipulated in his/her offer of admission, if shortlisted for this funding.
By accepting any offer of a Basia Zaba scholarship you are confirming that you have funding in place to cover the remaining 50% of fees, and understand that if this was not available you may be asked to repay the scholarship funds.
Scholarship recipients are expected to pay their 50% fees invoice in full at the start of the year, after which the scholarship will be paid to clear the 50% balance outstanding.
- Bayer Research and Travel Grant for Vector Control
Awards are funded by a donation from Bayer.
Applicants must be currently registered on an intensive MSc programme at LSHTM.
This funding is available to students who will undertake an MSc project in vector research, where the project is focused on vector control specifically rather than on targeting other components of vector-borne disease control (e.g. chemotherapy, vaccines etc). The project must be lab- or field-based (not a paper review).
- BBSRC LIDo Studentship
The London Interdisciplinary Biosciences Consortium is funded by the BBSRC. The consortium comprises: Birkbeck, Kings' College London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Royal Veterinary College, Queen Mary, University of London, and University College London.
Please refer to the BBSRC LIDo website for further information about the funding and programme structure.
The successful applicant(s) will be sent a funding offer by the BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership Manager. To accept the offer of funding the successful applicant must respond to the BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership Administrator as instructed.
The award recipient must upgrade their registration from MPhil to PhD according to LSHTM’s regulations. It is a requirement that a representative of the DTP be invited to attend an upgrading if required by the DTP Student Research Committee.
The award recipient must respond promptly to any requests for information from LSHTM or the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council or BBSCR LIDo.
The BBSRC LIDo programme includes a mandatory three-month 'Professional Internship for PhD Students' (PIPS), by accepting this offer an award recipient is agreeing to engage with the process of arranging a placement.
RTSG/travel and conference allowance: Quarterly RTSG expenditure reports will be used to invoice UCL for reimbursement and provide data for reporting to the BBSRC (e.g. categories of expenditure, what the RTSG is being used for, what training is being undertaken) It is therefore essential that award recipients take the time to note all expenditure so that we can claim up to the maximum allowable for their award, and provide detailed information for reporting purposes. As this studentship funding has come via UCL we are obliged to follow UCL's RTSG and travel/conference policy. They advise that each year's funding is only available for that academic year – award recipients may not carry funds forward for use in future academic years.
Students funded by BBSRC are expected to submit at the same time the funding ends (ie within 4 years FTE of the start of funding date).
This funding is subject to compliance with all UKRI terms and conditions.
Please see UKRI section and links here too.- Bloomsbury Colleges PhD Studentship
The Bloomsbury Colleges group consists of four colleges of the University of London: Birkbeck, LSHTM, RVC, and SOAS. Members of the Bloomsbury Colleges provide a number of collaborative 3-year (FTE) PhD studentships each year. Each Bloomsbury PhD Studentship has a supervisory team across two institutions in the group. The Bloomsbury Colleges website provides further details about the group.
1. The studentship will be awarded and administered by the institution of the principal supervisor, and the student will follow the regulations of the registering institution.
2. The institution of the secondary supervisor agrees to allow the student full access to their learning resources, including skills training as and when required.
3. The student and supervisors agree to attend the annual PhD symposium and students agree to present their work as requested, unless unavoidable absence prevents them from so doing.
4. The Bloomsbury Research Committee will be informed by the registering institution/primary supervisor in advance if supervisors leave and need to be replaced, major changes to the project area are required or the student’s progress is deemed not to be satisfactory.
5. Supervisors will provide the Bloomsbury Research Committee with a report on the studentship within 3 months of its completion and will respond to requests for information on further collaborations occurring as a result of the studentship in a timely manner.
6. In accordance with students can carry out additional work when this is compatible with their training and provided their supervisors approve providing:
- the amount of additional work does not interfere with the student's ability to complete the research project
- approval is at the HEI and the supervisor's discretion.
- the recommended maximum is 6 hours of work per week.
7. Maternity Leave: Bloomsbury research degree students who become pregnant, with an expected date of childbirth that occurs during the period of the studentship are entitled to a six-month period of funded maternity leave. Funded maternity leave ensures that a student’s stipend is paid during the Interruption of Study (IoS) at the rate it was during registration. There is no qualifying period that students must complete before the maternity leave support comes into effect. However, students must complete the standard LSHTM Interruption of Studies request procedure, and provide a Mat1B (or overseas equivalent) document to the Student Records and Scholarships teams at LSHTM in advance of going on maternity leave. After this six-month period of paid maternity leave a student may have a suspension of their studentship for a further six months, during which no tuition fees or stipend are payable/provided by the Bloomsbury Colleges PhD fund. A student is therefore entitled to a maximum total of twelve months leave of absence for maternity leave, of which six months are paid and up to six months are unpaid. The dates of the paid period of absence and the interruption of studies for maternity leave must correlate (and any unpaid absence must follow immediately afterwards).
- British Heart Foundation PhD Studentship
This award is the result of a bid for a single British Heart Foundation award. The budget will follow exactly the BHF grant award, which is held by the award recipient’s supervisors.
The successful student is expected to meet BHF grant Terms & Conditions, and to support Scholarships reporting to BHF.
- British Skin Foundation PhD Studentship
The British Skin Foundation funds this 3-year PhD studentship at LSHTM starting in September 2019. This studentship is to provide funding for the project 'Mental Illness in Atopic Eczema and Psoriasis'.
An RTSG allowance of up to GBP 15,000.00 is available over the 3 year duration of the award. The RTSG is a contribution towards research costs and can be rolled over from year to year. Please note that as the total grant available to fund the studentship cannot exceed GBP 85,000.00 over the 3 years FTE, the RTSG allowance may be adjusted to reflect what is left after payment of the award recipient’s fees and stipend.
The Scholarships team will report actual expenditure incurred quarterly to the funder based on the information the award recipient provides, and will receive payment based on this reporting. It is therefore essential that all expenditure is noted at the time it is spent so that we can claim up to the maximum allowable for the award.
- CCBIO-LSHTM PhD Studentship
This is a single PhD grant award funded by the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) at the University of Bergen.
An annual allowance of GBP 2,000.00 is available for additional costs (running costs, international travel etc). In addition to the annual allowance, the award recipient is entitled to claim a reasonable allowance for travelling (to and from Bergen) and lodging costs (in Bergen) to facilitate a high level of collaboration.
- Children with Cancer UK (CwC) PhD Studentship
This Children with Cancer UK Studentship is funded by the Jane Davidson & Paul O'Gorman endowment.
- Civil Society Leadership Awards at LSHTM
The Civil Society Leadership Awards (CSLA), funded by the Open Society Foundation (OSF), provide fully-funded scholarships for master's degree study to individuals who clearly demonstrate academic and professional excellence and a deep commitment to leading positive social change in their communities.
Students on these awards must be based in London for the duration of their study.
OSF will administer pre-registration funding for award recipients (which may include some/all of the following: flights; visa and NHS surcharge support; English language test costs). Post-registration funding (settling-in expenses; thesis allowance etc) will be paid with each award recipient’s stipend as and when applicable.
The Scholarships team will be in touch with award recipients in Term 3 to discuss MSc project allowance payments.
- Commonwealth Scholarship Commission UK (CSC UK)
Commonwealth Scholarships are funded by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Commonwealth Masters Scholarships (LMIC)
These Commonwealth Scholarships are administered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC UK).
The studentship will cover tuition fees at the overseas fee rate for the duration of the award. The CSC UK will pay 80% of tuition fees, and LSHTM will cover 20% of tuition fees (and the field trip fee, where applicable).
The award stipend and other allowances are administered by CSC UK directly. Award recipients should contact their CSC UK Programme Officer with any queries.
Commonwealth Scholarships have some regulations about time spent outside the UK over the duration of an award (and how this may affect payments to the award recipients). MSc students who are planning to conduct their MSc project outside of the UK should discuss the implications of the proposed MSc project with their Programme Director(s) and CSC UK at the planning stage.
Please also refer to the Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars.
Commonwealth PhD Scholarships (for least developed countries and fragile states)
These Commonwealth Scholarships are administered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC UK).
The studentship will cover tuition fees at the overseas fee rate for the duration of the award. The CSCUK will pay 80% of tuition fees, and LSHTM will cover 20% of tuition fees (and the field trip fee, where applicable).
The award stipend and other allowances are administered by CSC UK directly. Award recipients should contact their CSC UK Programme Officer with any queries.
Where an award includes bench fees, the award recipient’s research degree supervisor should invoice CSC UK - via their department/faculty - for these funds. This is usually an annual action, and should be completed before the end of January for the current academic year. Supervisors should be aware of this (based on discussions held at LSHTM before the award recipient’s initial registration).
Commonwealth Scholarships have some regulations about time spent outside the UK over the duration of an award (and how this may affect payments to the award recipients). Further information can be found in the Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars. Please ensure that CSC UK is aware of any proposed fieldwork plans, and that these are approved, within their required timeline.
Please also refer to the Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars.
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme (CSS)
Commonwealth Shared Scholarships are a joint initiative between the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (with funding from the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)) and UK universities, to support scholarships for students from low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the UK. The Scheme is administered by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission UK (CSC UK).
Applicants must meet all requirements set out in the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme adverts on the LSHTM and Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC UK) websites.
By submitting an application for this funding the applicant:
- agrees to undertake a medical examination if selected by CSC UK
- confirms that they meet the eligibility criteria set out by CSC UK and LSHTM regarding nationality, residency, prior work and study history, and
- will confirm in writing (via CSC UK application) that neither they nor their families would otherwise be able to pay for study in the UK.
Commonwealth Scholarships have some regulations about time spent outside the UK over the duration of an award (and how this may affect payments to the award recipients). MSc students who are planning to conduct their MSc project outside of the UK should discuss the implications of the proposed MSc project with their Programme Director(s) and CSC UK at the planning stage.
Please also refer to the Commonwealth Shared Scholarships Terms and Conditions.
Applicants must submit an application for study to LSHTM and an application for funding via the CSC UK online application system. All guidance and details of this are available on the CSC UK website. Following a review of all eligible applications submitted by the deadline, LSHTM will nominate applicants for award. Applicants should note that nomination for award does not in any way guarantee selection or placement.
The successful applicant(s) will be sent a funding offer (placement letter) by the CSC, via LSHTM. To accept the offer of funding the successful applicant must return all necessary documentation to the CSC Programme Officer as outlined in the notification of award letter from the CSC.
The award recipient agrees to not book their own flight and to contact LSHTM once the necessary immigration visa has been obtained to organise booking a flight to the UK.
The award recipient agrees to respond to information requests aimed at assisting the evaluation and monitoring of the Commonwealth Scholarship Programme, both whilst on award and following its completion.
By applying to this scholarship, the applicant has read and agreed to abide by these conditions.
The award recipient must return to their country of permanent residence to seek employment, work, or study once the funding award ends. In May/June of their Master’s year award recipients should contact the Scholarships Team in Registry to arrange their homeward flight. At that time, discussions about excess baggage allowances should also take place.
The award recipient must acknowledge the CSC and the UK government’s financial support (via this award) in their publications, presentations, and posters. For further information students should discuss correct procedure and form for acknowledging a funder with their personal tutor and/or Programme Director.
- EPH Travelling Scholarship
The EPH Travelling Scholarships are funded through a donation from Dr Monika Pietrek (alumna - MSc Epidemiology 1991).
Scholarships are available for students registered for a DrPH or PhD programme in the Faculty of Epidemiology & Population Health at LSHTM.
As this funding is intended for doctoral projects, any award made will only be paid once students have submitted final confirmation of upgrading (or the DrPH equivalent) to the Scholarships team in the Registry.- ESRC UBEL
ESRC Studentships are awarded from the ESRC Bloomsbury DTC (2011-2016) and the ESRC UBEL DTP (2017-2027). The ESRC Bloomsbury DTC comprises: Birkbeck, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, School of Oriental and African Studies, Institute of Education (now UCL IoE) and the University of East London. The lead institution for these grants is UCL.
ESRC UBEL Studentship offers are conditional upon the applicant submitting a research study application to LSHTM if they are successful in their funding application, and satisfying all of the conditions stipulated in their offer of admission.
Applicants completing a 1+3 or 2+3 award route which includes an MSc and/or a year at EDSD (European Doctoral School of Demography) must obtain a satisfactory pass rate in order to progress to the PhD (+3 or similar) funding. A satisfactory pass rate for a year at EDSD is a B/C average. Students on an MSc at LSHTM must obtain at least a pass grade in order to progress.
ESRC DTP grants provide some funding for additional costs. The funding is pooled across the DTC/DTP to ensure that it is used as effectively as possible. All funding available for RTSG, travel/conference allowances, fieldwork, difficult language training (DLT), overseas institutional visits (OIVs), short courses and other training, is administered centrally by the DTP Managers at UCL. Award recipients should contact the ESRC UBEL DTP to find out how to apply for and/or access funding.
This funding is subject to compliance with all terms and conditions set out in the ESRC Postgraduate funding guide.
Please see the UKRI section here and links too.
Information specific to 1+3 and 2+3 routes/programmes: Students must apply for the +3 (research degree) part of their studies about 6-9 months prior to the start of research studies date (e.g. a research degree admissions application should be submitted in January to March for entry in September).
Year 1 MSc: Students will be required to pass their MSc in order to progress to their research degree studies.
Year 1 (or 2) EDSD: Prior to starting a year at the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) students should discuss a budget with Alison Freeman (DTP Manager) for travel and other costs. Stipends will be paid at the standard UKRI rate - as if the award recipient was based in London - by LSHTM, which should more than cover living costs for the year. Award recipients on this scheme should contact the Scholarships team in Registry to confirm their EDSD start date as soon as they know it. The Scholarships team will then arrange to disperse the first stipend in time for the award recipient’s start of term. We will request satisfactory academic progress reports on a termly basis for those at the EDSD.
This funding is subject to compliance with all UKRI terms and conditions.
Please see UKRI section and links here too.- EuroQol PhD Studentship in Health Economics
Any substantive changes or delays to the project must be reported to the Scholarships team ( immediately to allow prompt reporting back to the EuroQol Executive Committee.
Manuscripts must include the disclaimer statement that the views expressed by the authors in the publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the EuroQol Group.
All copyright in the EQ-5D questionnaire (“EQ-5D”) belongs to the Group and is managed by the Foundation to ensure the future financing of the Foundation.
Annual progress reports should be sent at the end of year 1 and year 2. A final report should be provided on completion of the Project.
- Fight for Sight
A copy of the successful student’s CV will be forwarded to Fight for Sight within one month of the studentship being awarded and accepted.
The award recipient consents to Fight for Sight’s use of their data as set out here:
Fight for Sight may use any personal data provided to it by LSHTM or Prof Colin Sutherland in connection with the funding application or the research for the purpose of processing and assessing the funding application, administering the grant, reviewing the research, statistical analysis in relation to projects funded by Fight for Sight or any other public body, and policy and strategy.
The award recipient agrees to keep Fight for Sight updated – via their supervisor/s - of any milestones, developments or publications associated with their project.
By accepting this award the award recipient agrees Fight for Sight must be acknowledged in any reports or publications, and involved in any publicity. The award recipient also agrees for Fight for Sight to have input and sign-off on any press releases or other activity promoting the outcomes of their work. Finally, the award recipient also agrees that Fight for Sight may lead their own promotion of the research, working with the student/award recipient and their supervisors on any press releases, statements, and interviews, and respecting any embargoes around research findings.
The student and supervisors must acknowledge Fight for Sight’s support of the research in any press release, publicity material or publication relating to the research and at every external conference at which the student, an employee of LSHTM, or a collaborator speaks about the research by including the following wording in that publication or presentation: “This research was funded by Fight for Sight” together with Fight for Sight’s logo, with the logo being used only in the exact form provided by Fight for Sight from time to time and in accordance with any rules supplied by Fight for Sight from time to time.
The award recipient is aware that they must contact the Fight for Sight Press Office – as a first point of contact – before any research is published. (Fight for Sight will then work with LSHTM Communications on this.) Fight for Sight must give written permission – in advance - for timings and content any press releases.
The award recipient must be aware of, and abide by, Fight for Sight’s open access policy (available on its website). The award recipient and supervisors will promptly notify Fight for Sight of the acceptance for publication and of the actual publication of all information resulting from the research including, but not limited to, scientific publications, patent applications and non-confidential presentations. They will ensure that LSHTM has research papers arising from the research and that these are deposited in institutional repositories and made freely available on the internet. The award recipient and their supervisors will provide Fight for Sight with one copy of each published research paper (pdf final version) relating to the research as soon as available.
Fight for Sight may ask for the help of the award recipient and/or their supervisors in talking to local groups to support fundraising for Fight for Sight. By accepting the studentship award, the award recipient is agreeing to respond to requests that concern this studentship funding and to help to support Fight for Sight in its fundraising efforts.
The award recipient is expected to contribute to and support annual Fight for Sight reporting requirements undertaken by their supervisor/s.
The award recipient and their supervisors agree to keep their study record and recruitment data up to date on the UK Clinical Research Network (UKCRN) Portfolio Database.
- GSK Scholarships for Future Health Leaders
This scholarship is funded by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), as part of a generous gift to support 30 scholarships over 10 years. This donation is in recognition of Sir Andrew Witty's contribution to GSK and global health, on his retirement.
Applicants must hold a conditional offer of admission to study for an intensive MSc at the time of making an application to the GSK Scholarships for Future Health Leaders.
By submitting an application for funding the applicant confirms that they will return to their home country after the completion of the MSc/scholarship and confirms that they would not otherwise be able to pay for the proposed programme of study.
At the time of selection, preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate (in their application documentation) the potential to make significant contributions to public health and/or health-related research in Africa.
- HDR UK MSc Health Data Science Studentship
These studentships are supported by Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) as part of the HDR UK training strategy, which focuses on developing health data scientists with expertise across the fields of statistics, machine learning, informatics and beyond, to help transform how data is used to improve health.
This funding is only open to applicants with ‘Home’ fee status on the intensive MSc Health Data Research programme.
HDR UK funding provided support for setting up MSc Health Data Science programme. As part of this, applicant and student information will be shared with the funder.
Fees: Full awards will cover Full Home tuition fees. A further two awards per year will cover 50% of tuition fees at the Home (UK/EU) full-time fee rate for 1 year.
- Helena Vrbova Travelling Scholarship
Dr Helena Vrbova died tragically in Papua New Guinea in 1982, at the age of 29, where she was involved in research in malaria. This annual award is provided via a memorial donation fund.
This funding is available to students whose research is directed towards malaria.
Applicants must currently be registered full-time at LSHTM on an intensive MSc programme or research degree (PhD) at the LSHTM.
Field and lab costs beyond those covered by bench fees will be considered for applicants who are currently registered on an MSc programme.
- Jeroen Ensink Memorial Fund Scholarship
Jeroen Ensink was a Senior Lecturer in Public Health Engineering at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and a Programme Director for the MSc Public Health for Development between 2009 and 2015.
Jeroen was passionately committed to a simple cause: improving access to water and sanitation in countries where children continue to die needlessly due to the lack of these basic services. As a researcher and educator, his career crossed many continents, living and working in Asian and African countries, collaborating with numerous universities and international agencies. He was a natural educator and immensely popular with students in whom he invested much time and energy. He provided support and inspiration in equal measure and many of his students are now successful researchers and public health professionals in their own right.
Following his death on 29 December 2015, the School established a Memorial Fund in his name to support students from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia who are committed to improving public health in developing countries and wish to undertake the MSc Public Health for Development course.
This funding is only available to applicants for the intensive MSc Public Health for Development programme who are citizens of, and ordinarily resident in, one of the following countries: Afghanistan; Angola; Bangladesh; Benin; Botswana; Bhutan; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Comoros; Republic of Congo; Democratic Republic of Congo; Djibouti; Equatorial Guinea; Ethiopia; Eritrea; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; India; Ivory Coast; Kenya; Lesotho; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Maldives; Mali; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Nepal; Niger; Nigeria; Pakistan; Rwanda; São Tomé and Príncipe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Sudan; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Swaziland; Tanzania; Togo; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe.
The successful applicant will have demonstrable commitments to WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene).
At the time of selection, preference will be given to those applicants with experience or interest in the area of water, sanitation, hygiene and public health.
This scholarship provides approved flights from the award recipient’s home country to the UK, and homeward return at the end of the scholarship (booked through the Scholarships team in Registry).
- Jocelyn Hughes Malaria Research Travel Grants
This scholarship was established with a legacy donation from Jocelyn Hughes. The Jocelyn Hughes Malaria & Research Travel Grants are intended to support students undertaking research to beat malaria, the disease from which her husband Richard Hughes died in 1992.
This scholarship is open to research degree (PhD) students at LSHTM whose research is directed towards malaria.
- Johnson & Johnson MSc Global Mental Health Scholarships
These scholarships are funded by Johnson & Johnson.
A scholarship offer is conditional upon the applicant submitting a study application for MSc Global Mental Health at King’s College, London, as outlined in the funding advert and meeting the conditions set out in the offer of admission by the deadline set by King’s College, London (KCL).
Applicants must be nationals of, and ordinarily resident in, one of the following countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Peru. This list cannot be changed, and is not negotiable, and therefore we are unable to consider applicants from other countries for this particular scholarship scheme.
Applicants from non-English speaking countries (as specified by the Home Office - UKVI) must meet the minimum English Language Requirements for entry on to this course. Applicants short-listed for this funding are required to provide proof of English language proficiency by submitting a copy of the relevant test results at that time.
By submitting an application for funding the applicant consents to their admissions and funding application documents, including uploaded supporting documents and references, being shared securely with all relevant teams including: the scholarship panel/s; Scholarships, Admissions and Registry teams, programme directors, programme co-directors and taught programme managers/directors, at King’s College, London (KCL) and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM); and the funder.
Award recipients are expected to adhere to the behavioural guidelines and regulations of both institutions (KCL & LSHTM). Funded students who do not do so may be at risk of losing their funding.
- Johnson & Johnson MSc Project Fund
This Johnson & Johnson grant has been provided to LSHTM to support projects focussing on the control of infectious diseases, and in particular, COVID-19. The available funding provides up to 20 MSc students with financial assistance for activities relating to their MSc project, including research costs, and will be determined based on individual project needs.
Awards are only open to students who are currently registered on any of the 19 intensive (London-based) MSc programmes of study at LSHTM, and whose MSc projects are focused on the control of infectious diseases
The award panel will give special consideration and preference to those applicants whose project focuses on a research area relating to complications of COVID-19 (ideally, J&J would be looking to fund at least one project focussing on the complications of COVID-19 in children, for example childhood multisystem inflammatory syndrome.)
Recipients of these awards will be expected to become active members of the alumni network of J&J funded students, whose purpose is to promote greater collaboration between recipients, and in so doing participate in improving local services and shaping national policies in low resource countries.
- Lt-Col Henry Kirkpatrick Scholarship
A bequest to the School, by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick's daughters Elsie and Daphne Kirkpatrick, endowed funding to set up scholarships 'for the promotion and encouragement of study in the ophthalmic section' in memory of their father.
Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kirkpatrick (1871 – 1958) was interested in ophthalmology from fairly early in his career. His career in the Indian Medical Service provided opportunities - through work in the General Hospital, Madras, the university and the Government Ophthalmic Hospital - to improve teaching and postgraduate training in pathology and ophthalmology. On retiring from Madras he was ophthalmic surgeon to the Tropical Diseases Hospital and lecturer in ophthalmology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
This scholarship is only open to applicants for MSc Public Health for Eye Care.
Applicants must satisfy LSHTM’s minimum English Language Requirements by the scholarship deadline.
- LSHTM COVID-19 Support Scheme for Research Degree students
LSHTM endowment funding has been set aside to support those students whose work has been disrupted by COVID-19. The purpose of the scheme is to help these students to complete their thesis. The rationale is to help students to complete their degree if they have been delayed for reasons related to COVID-19, and so funding support is for the periods beyond normal funding/registration because they would not have been included in a student’s original plans or budget.
This funding opportunity is only available to students currently registered on a research degree programme at LSHTM, who are not registered as staff or under the CSRD scheme.
This funding will be offered on a termly basis (ie 3 times a year) over 3 years (academic years 2020-21 to 2022-23), targeting students whose end date is within the coming 12 months.
- For self-funded students end date refers to the LSHTM regulations and maximum submission dates, and is usually 4 years FTE after a student’s initial registration, excluding periods of interruption.
- For funded students: end date refers to the end of funding date as long the student will have been registered for at least 3 years FTE by that date.
There is insufficient funding available to offer extension support to all research degree students registered at LSHTM. Therefore, this scheme is available via application rounds, and will prioritise applications based on the extent of delay and need.
Funded students are expected to have made use of all extension opportunities provided by their funder. In addition, where these are not made explicit, before they apply to this scheme funded students are expected to approach their funder to ensure that no further funding would be available to them.
This scheme provides support by awarding stipend support at the UKRI studentship stipend rate with London weighting (prorated to cover the duration of extension funding and mode of study). There is no funding available to support research costs.
Award recipients cannot be employed for more than 50% time (based on full-time study of 40 hours per week FTE average).
Further guidance and application details are available on the LSHTM Student Hub RD intranet pages.
- LSHTM Doctoral Travelling Scholarships
This funding supports research degree students to undertake doctoral projects (PhD or DrPH RSII/thesis) by supporting substantial periods of study in a destination country. Usually awards are only made towards the cost of travel and accommodation, but depending on the funds available and applications submitted, it may be possible to consider a contribution to other project expenses.
Awards are funded from LSHTM endowment funds. These are limited, and therefore it is likely that this scheme will be competitive. Where there is competition for available funding preference may be given to applications for visits to low or lower-middle income countries (as per the broad intention of many endowment funds held).
Applicants must be currently registered on a PhD or DrPH research degree programme at LSHTM.
As this funding is intended for doctoral projects, any award will only be paid once students have submitted final confirmation of upgrading or DrPH Review to the Scholarships team in Registry.
List of winners’ project titles from the past few years:
Award Year 2019-20
- Using whole genome sequencing to characterise the genetic diversity of mosquitoes and pathogens involved in vector borne disease
- Characterisation of the live pig trade network in Cambodia to inform the dynamics and optimised management strategies of disease
- The body tells the history. Marriage, family formation and the sexual and reproductive health of Palestinian young women under occupation in the Hebron governorate
- Epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in a cohort of transgender women in São Paulo, Brazil
- Improving parental involvement in the education of children with disabilities in Malawi
- From new to routine: how an electronic decision support system changes the quality and process of antenatal care in India and Nepal
- Exploring the evolution of the gender-based violence (GBV) coordination system in Lebanon’s humanitarian response
Award Year 2018-19
- Patterns of occupational exposure to carbon monoxide and particulate matter and its relationship to respiratory symptoms and lung function among cassava grits processors in the middle belt of Ghana
- The introduction of the Sugary Beverages Levy in South Africa: Exploring policy on the ground in the context of NCDs and HIV
- Contextual and political factors influencing implementation of the Essential Medicines List in Kenya
- Developing effective communication practices among public health workers in fragile states: A mixed-method evaluation of management practices in Liberia’s civil service
- Co-circulating arboviruses in Latin America between 2015-2017: Chikungunya virus, Dengue virus & Zika virus
- Myanmar to Thailand labour migration: The social and intermediary networks that influence and facilitate engagement in decent versus exploitative work
- Improving Parental Involvement to support inclusive education for school-based children with disabilities in Northern Malawi
- Exploring Access to Health-Related Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Disabilities in the Maldives
- Infection Surveillance by Telephone Early Postpartum
Award Year 2017-18
- New pharmacokinetic and PK/PD drug development methodologies for cutaneous leishmaniasis
- Understanding the determinants of quality of primary care in Tunisia
- Building resilience and sustainability for Gender-based violence programming in Lebanon’s humanitarian crisis response
- Integration of community-based health interventions through the lens of communities & community health workers
- Vaginal Inflammation in Zambian Women with Female Genital Schistosomiasis and its Role in a Model for HIV Acquisition
- Developing a rapid method to assess the prevalence and causes of hearing loss in population-based surveys
- Young people’s lived experiences and perceptions of sexual health in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Adoption and Institutionalisation of Social Innovation in Public Health Systems: Experiences from Malawi and Rwanda
- LSHTM DrPH RSI (OPA) Travelling and Fieldwork Support Scholarship
This funding supports DrPH students to undertake their RSI Organisational and Policy Analysis (OPA) projects. Awards offered are designed to support costs directly associated with OPA fieldwork (data collection, travel and associated subsistence/accommodation costs).
Awards are funded from LSHTM endowment funds. These are limited, and so competitive. Where there is competition for available funding preference may be given to those who are based in LMIC countries (as per the broad intention of many endowment funds held).
Applicants must be currently registered on the DrPH programme at LSHTM.
- LSHTM Fee Bursary
LSHTM supports a small number of awards by topping up a number of studentship funding opportunities. These are:
- UKRI Doctoral Training Programme (DTP) Studentship Awards
- Chevening Scholarships
- Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC UK) Scholarships
- some NIHR Fellowships
- PIC Studentships.
These awards are only possible because of an agreement between LSHTM and the funder, and an award recipient’s studentship offer. If an applicant or student is eligible for a fee bursary the Scholarships team will contact them.
Fee bursary awards are only available in conjunction with the appropriate studentship award and for the programme of study that the studentship has been offered for. It cannot be transferred for use with a different programme or different funding, or used on its own.
Fee bursary awards are dependent on the award recipient meeting all funder and Admissions conditions, requirements and processes in advance of and during the academic year/s of award.
UKRI-funded studentships: Further information about bursary support is available via the LSHTM Statement.
Chevening and CSC UK: The funders will liaise with LSHTM about placing students at LSHTM, and the support LSHTM is willing to provide at the time awards are being made. The fee top-up will apply immediately where a student is a national of and resident in an appropriate LMIC and has been made a full scholarship offer by either funder.
NIHR Fellowships: Student applicants should liaise with the LSHTM Strategic Research Office, and contact the Scholarships team about their application in advance of submitting a Letter of Intent to the LSHTM Research Operations Office.
- LSHTM Fund Scholarship
This scholarship has been made possible by donors to the LSHTM Fund. Supported by hundreds of alumni and friends, the LSHTM Fund provides scholarships for the next generation of global health leaders. Scholarships offered and awarded are intended to support excellent students who would be unable to take up a place of study without this financial support.
This scholarship is open to applicants intending to study on a one-year, full-time, intensive MSc programme at LSHTM.
The eligible MSc programmes of study, for the purpose of this award, are the intensive MSc programmes offered by and administered by LSHTM. This scholarship is not available for our distance learning programmes or for our joint programmes with King’s College, London (MSc Global Mental Health) or the Royal Veterinary College (MSc One Health; MSc Veterinary Epidemiology).
By submitting an application for this funding, applicants confirms that they intend to return to a low to middle income country on completion of their MSc year at LSHTM, and that they would not otherwise be able to pay for the proposed programme of study.
- Mansfield Aders & Avebury Memorial Fund
This scholarship is funded through funds from two sources: the Mansfield Aders Scholarship and The Avebury Memorial Fund.
- Dr Walter Mansfield Aders, Economic Biologist to the Government of Zanzibar, died in 1934. A bequest to the School endowed a scholarship in medical entomology and parasitology, which was known as the 'Mansfield Aders Scholarship'.
- The Avebury Memorial Fund was a subscription fund raised to provide a memorial for Lord Avebury (1834-1913) who was the Vice Chancellor of the University of London from 1872 to 1880. The award was used for scholarships or research, especially in entomology.
The award covers tuition fees only. It is only available to students with 'Home' fee status.
Applicants must hold an application for study for MSc Medical Parasitology & Entomology.
There is no separate scholarship application process – all eligible candidates will be considered for this funding. For scholarship purposes, applications submitted without all the necessary supporting documents are considered incomplete. Any applications for study that do not have all the necessary supporting documents at the scholarship deadline will be considered incomplete and therefore ineligible for this funding. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their references have been submitted by the scholarship closing date.
- LSHTM Marshall Partnership Scholarships
LSHTM and Marshall Scholarships have a partnership agreement until 2023.
To apply for an LSHTM Marshall Scholarship applicants must follow the Marshall Scholarships application process.
Awards will be made and administered by Marshall Scholarships.
- MRC London Intercollegiate DTP (MRC LID)
All studentship details are outlined in the:
- MRF AMR PhD Studentship
This Medical Research Foundation national PhD Training Programme has been funded to develop a strong and active network of new researchers for the UK with multidisciplinary skills who will be able to develop, undertake and, potentially, lead antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research which crosses the traditional boundaries between research disciplines and sectors. This programme is funded by UKRI and is a consortium of 13 universities across the UK. Bristol University is the lead institution.
The successful applicant(s) will be sent a funding offer by e-mail from the Programme Manager at the Medical Research Foundation National PhD Training Programme in AMR. To accept the offer of funding the successful applicant must respond to the Programme Manager as instructed.
The award recipient must inform the scholarships team at and the Medical Research Foundation National AMR PhD Training Programme Manager at immediately of any changes to their personal circumstances during the period of support which could affect the award. If an alteration in circumstances occurs and it transpires that excess grant funding has been paid, the award recipient agrees to refund the excess to the institution.
An annual RTSG of GBP 6,000.00 is included in the award. The RTSG is a contribution towards research costs can be rolled over from year to year. All expenses should be approved by Alison Grant or Clare Chandler.
An annual travel allowance of GBP 750.00 is included in the award. The travel allowance can be used flexibly by the student in discussion with their supervisors for conference attendance, research visits and to attend training courses not run as part of the MRF National AMR PhD Programme. Any unused funds can be rolled over from year to year.
There is additional funding for travel to/from Bristol for cohort events, these funds are claimed separately and will need to include original receipts.
In addition, there is GBP 2,000.00 available for travel and accommodation for the student's placement (i.e. the 3-month interdisciplinary research projects or placements within industry, the media, charities etc).
The Scholarships team will report expenditure quarterly to Bristol based on the information the award recipient provides, and will receive payment based on this reporting. It is therefore essential that each award recipient take the time to note all expenditure so that we can claim up to the maximum allowable for the award.
Scholarship recipients should acknowledge the body providing the research funding in all publications (including posters). Information on what information/logos award recipients should include can be found on the funding body’s website.
MRF-funded students are expected to report outcomes to the funder using Researchfish. Please see the relevant portion of the UKRI section below for further information.
For further information on MRF AMR funding and Researchfish please refer to the Medical Research Foundation website.
Please also see the Medical Research Foundation grant terms and conditions (pdf).
- MSc Project Travel Awards (Trust Funds)
LSHTM endowments are used to assist London-based students with the cost of their MSc project. Students are expected to keep travel costs to a reasonable minimum, as the funding is from gifts made to LSHTM. Students should be aware that the Trust Funds available are limited.
A trust fund award is intended to contribute towards reasonable costs of return flights to the capital city of the destination country only. Internal overland travel and any other project-related expenses are not covered. (The cost of travel to the capital city of the destination country is used as a method of standardising reasonable cost calculations contributions only. Students awarded are not required to travel to the capital city unless they need to. The Scholarships team in Registry follows a process which has been established to ensure fairness when making awards. The team will determine a reasonable cost of flights to all relevant capital cities over the summer. These will be used to share the available funds between all successful applicants as a percentage of reasonable costs.)
There is no guarantee that all applications will receive an award. Also, it is possible that the award amount will not fully cover the cost of a return flight, and therefore the decision as to when to book a flight is the responsibility of the student. If a student purchases tickets above the award determined by the scholarships team the student will be responsible for covering the difference in amounts.
To be eligible for this funding the student must be currently registered on an intensive Master’s programme of study at LSHTM. There are additional funding criteria, which must all be met:
- the topic must be related to LSHTM’s mission, and
- the project must be taking place in a low- or middle-income country, and
- the carrying out of the project should be beneficial to LSHTM, i.e. it may be an extension of an existing project which may lead to further collaboration or raise the profile of LSHTM in a certain country/region, and
- the student should not be in receipt of full funding for travel costs from other sources, and
- the student must be able to justify financial need, and
- the student must be able to contribute towards the total cost of the project.
The Teaching Support Office (TSO) covers the cost of travel insurance for MSc projects. MSc students must apply for travel insurance via the iTravel system.
All applicants should follow MSc Project Handbook guidance regarding ethical clearance and risk assessment. Where appropriate, full and local ethics approval must be obtained and will need to be submitted to the Scholarships team in Registry before any funding can be released.
Students in receipt of this funding award must follow the policy, guidance and requirements of LSHTM (including LSHTM travel insurance), UK FCDO, and the destination government, at the time of the proposed and actual fieldwork and/or travel. Award recipients must review the relevant application at each stage and follow current guidance at that time. This award does not automatically constitute institutional approval, or remove institutional requirements for paperwork and approval to travel.
- PIC (Population Investigation Committee) Masters Studentship Scheme in Population Studies
The PIC Masters Studentship in Population Studies scholarships are offered by the Population Investigation Committee to facilitate further training in demography.
This scholarship available only to applicants with Home fee status on either of the following LSHTM intensive MSc programmes:
Residential criteria: Studentships will only be awarded to applicants who are assessed as having a Home (UK) fee status and who meet the residency requirements as defined by ESRC Studentship regulations. These are found on the UKRI website (Annex 1 of the RCUK Training Grant Guide (pdf)), and are summarised here. All candidates must have settled status in the UK; have no restrictions on how long they can stay in the UK; and, have been ordinarily resident in the UK for at least three years (not wholly for the purpose of full-time education). LSHTM will determine fee status and residency based on the information provided in/with the applications for study and PIC funding.
Academic Criteria: Candidates must have qualifications of the same standard as a good honours degree at first or upper second class level from a UK academic institution. In the majority of cases, candidates will have undertaken an undergraduate course at a recognised UK higher education institution. However, some may have qualifications from outside the UK, or be able to offer a combination of qualifications and/or experience. LSHTM will ascertain whether these qualifications can be equated to an honours degree and at what level, based on the information provided in/with the applications for study and PIC funding. A less-than-sufficient first degree may be enhanced by the attainment of a Master’s degree. If a candidate is applying who has enhanced their degree, enough information should be given to show that this has sufficiently enhanced the candidate’s knowledge to the standard required.
By submitting an application for funding the applicant understands that the decision from the PIC committee is final and there is no appeal against this decision.
The successful applicant(s) will be sent a funding offer by the General Secretary of the PIC.
By accepting the award the successful applicant confirms that they will not receive any other major funding award for the same programme of study.
Funded students must fulfil the schemes objectives and take a minimum of 75% highly demographic course content.
Fees & Stipend: The PIC studentship is calculated on tuition fees at the UKRI fee rate. LSHTM will cover the difference between the UKRI fee rate and the LSHTM fee rate for the successful recipient. The UKRI rate will be taken off the total award value, and passed to Fees. The remainder of the award will be paid out monthly as a stipend allowance.
The award recipient must return a formal assessment of the course upon completion using the assessment form sent by the General Secretary of the PIC. Additionally, award recipients may be asked to provide a copy of their dissertation.
- THIS PhD Studentship
The THIS Studentship is funded by THIS Institute (The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute) which has been co-created by the University of Cambridge and the Health Foundation. Building on the improvement science programmes previously run by the Health Foundation, the institute is committed to funding awards to support PhD fellowships in improvement studies at UK universities.
Additional allowances/RTSG payments have been set out in the confirmed budget, and are based on the application budget. These are administered by the EPH Research Degree Administrator.
- UKRI-funded Studentships
This information only applies to students funded through UKRI awards. This includes students funded by BBSRC LIDo, ESRC UBEL, and MRC LID.
All UKRI grant holders and students must abide by UKRI Terms & Conditions. (Usually studentship awards, including Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs), fall under ‘training grants’.)
Institutions and students are expected to work with UKRI on:
- developing healthy research and innovation culture
- using UKRI policies, standards, and data appropriately.
UKRI studentship awards provide tuition fees at the UKRI fee rate only. LSHTM covers the difference between the UKRI fee rate and the LSHTM Home fee rate for all students funded through our Doctoral Training Programmes (DTP).
International students (all those who are assessed with EU and overseas fee status) should see the LSHTM statement regarding these awards.
Stipends will be paid at the UKRI studentship stipend rate with London weighting.
Reporting and data collection
LSHTM, grant holders, and UKRI award recipients are expected to share information about the awarded students and their studies with the funder via:
- Je-S (Joint Electronic Submission) system
- Researchfish
- Annual reports
- Other ad hoc requirements.
Je-S: It is a requirement of UKRI Studentship grants that we maintain a Je-S record for each student with a studentship award. This allows the Research Council to monitor each student’s funding and research information. Your Je-S Studentship record is administered via the Scholarships Team.
- New award recipients will receive an email from the Scholarships team in early October (soon after registration/induction). This email will provide the abstract template for this funding, and will ask that each award recipient provide abstract details to the Scholarships team within 2-3 weeks (as we are required to submit studentship details before the end of October, and will need a few days to collate and submit records for all new students across the schemes).
- Annually, continuing students will be asked to review the current version of the research project abstract and provide revisions and updates.
Researchfish: Researchfish is an online system that is used to gather information about research outcomes. It allows researchers to record all of their research outputs and outcomes in one place and attribute outcomes to grants from different funders. It helps researchers share outcomes with funders easily and efficiently. All recipients of UKRI funding are required to report emerging outputs, outcomes and impacts for the duration of their awards and for up to five years beyond. There are a range of 'Common Outcomes' that can be reported on using Researchfish. However, some may not be relevant to students. The most likely sections of relevance include: publications; collaborations; engagement activities; other outputs & knowledge/future steps; and secondments, placements & internships. Researchfish allows record holders to record and attribute research outcomes to awards at any time during the year. However, early each calendar year Researchfish will contact students at various stages of their studies (usually from Year 3 onwards) to ask that each student provide research outcomes over their submission window period (normally February to March). It is essential that students take part in this data collection exercise when requested to do so. Before final submission each year each award recipient should discuss their submission with their supervisor/s. Please be aware that the information provided via Researchfish will be made public. If a student’s project has an external/industrial partner the student should make sure that the partner is aware of the submission and has approved text included on Researchfish (as appropriate). At the end of the period of funding, each student must update Researchfish with their personal email address so their research impacts and outputs can still be recorded. Failure to report via Researchfish may result in any active funding being suspended.
A great deal of information provided will be made accessible to the public via Gateway to Research. By accepting a UKRI Studentship the award recipient is aware that their name and research study details will be made public by UKRI, and agrees to UKRI use of their data. Further details on use of training grant information has been published by UKRI. In addition, the award recipient agrees to provide all required relevant information as and when requested. This includes providing Je-S information within a month of initial registration and updating this annually thereafter, and reporting research outcomes via Researchfish (eg during the annual submission window). The award recipient must inform the scholarships team of any changes to the research, as outlined in their Je-S student abstract, so the necessary amendments can be approved by the DTP board and records updated on Je-S. The award recipient is aware that they are authorising:
- Their research organisation to disclose to the research council any information that it requests regarding the progress of their studies, the submission of their thesis (where appropriate), and the completion of their studies.
- Their research organisation to disclose student contact details to the research councils. This is to allow correspondence from research councils to students. Correspondence is likely to be about funded courses or possibly asking for views about funded postgraduate training. Students may also be invited to events or conferences that the research councils fund.
- Their research organisation to provide data on equality and diversity to allow the research councils to help assess how effective policies and procedures are in eliminating unlawful discrimination and promoting equal opportunities. This information may be used anonymously for statistical purposes. It will be treated in confidence and in line with the councils' protection procedures.
- Their research organisation to provide any such information requested on the research council’s behalf to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) or any other organisation or agency empowered to act on the research council’s behalf or on behalf of the research councils, through UKRI.
- The research council or a third party on behalf of the research council or UKRI, to contact a studentship holder beyond the life of their studentship for evaluation purposes.
- The award recipient must respond promptly to any requests for information from LSHTM, the DTP, UKRI, or any third party recruited by UKRI for the purpose of data collection.
Acknowledgement and recognition
Award recipients agree to acknowledge the funder for their research, following guidance outlined by UKRI in the Training Grant T&Cs, and Publishing your research findings pages.
Publications, theses, and other forms of media communication, including media appearances, press releases and conferences, and posters, must acknowledge the support received from the Research Council, quoting the Training Grant reference number if appropriate. Please contact the Scholarships Team for confirmation of your training grant reference.
Open Access: As you have UKRI funding for your studentship you are expected to follow UKRI’s open access requirements. Please see details on the Publishing your research and UKRI Open Access Policy pages. LSHTM receives an annual Open Access block grant from UKRI, which is administered by the Library team. Please apply for it via the ServiceDesk (search Open Access).
Submission Dates
Award recipients should be aware that their UKRI Studentship award’s maximum submission date may be different to their LSHTM expected end date (maximum registration and submission dates). It is the student’s responsibility to keep a note of the date differences and to ensure that they do not exceed the regulatory requirements of both the institution and the Research Council. Students must ensure that the submission of their thesis meets the earlier of the two required dates. If award recipients have any queries about dates please contact the Scholarships team for clarification or confirmation.
- Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship
Award recipients will hold an award letter setting out the budget (based on the application submitted) and other award details from Wellcome Trust.
Each award recipient’s stipend will be paid at the relevant annual Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship stipend rate, prorated for periods of registration and mode of study.
As the grant holder for their studentship, award recipients/students are expected to review Wellcome Trust policies and grant conditions be regularly, and definitely before making decisions or taking action or spending.
Expected (maximum) submission date: students funded by a Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship are expected to submit their thesis within the period of support (that is, in the final year of Wellcome Trust support). Students should be aware that the Wellcome Trust Doctoral Studentship maximum submission date may be different to their LSHTM expected end date (maximum registration and submission dates). It is each student’s responsibility to keep a note of the date differences and to ensure that they do not exceed the regulatory requirements of both LSHTM and the Wellcome Trust. Students must ensure that the submission of their thesis meets the earliest required date (whichever of the required dates comes first).
- Wellcome Trust Masters Studentship Award (MSc Public Health)
The Wellcome Trust Master's Studentship is funded by the Wellcome Trust.
Candidates will be expected to be planning a career in health-related humanities or social science research.
Applicants must:
- hold, or be expected to hold by 1 September 2019, qualifications of the same standard as a good honours degree at first or upper second class level from a UK academic institution in a humanities or social science discipline
- demonstrate experience in health-related humanities or social science research. (Applicants can check that they meet this experience requirement by referencing the ESRC's 'social science' discipline list and/or the AHRC's 'humanities' disciplines list.)
The studentship is only available to applicants who are assessed as having a Home (UK) fee status, according to the regulations set out on the UKCISA website.
By submitting an application for funding the applicant confirms they are not receiving any other financial support for their postgraduate studies.
A scholarship offer is conditional upon the applicant holding an offer of admission for the LSHTM intensive (London-based) MSc Public Health programme of study, and satisfying all of the conditions stipulated in their offer of admission.
The award recipient is required to follow a humanities and social science ‘pathway’ through the MSc Public Health. This includes taking modules in the humanities and social science disciplines and using one or more of these approaches in the MSc project. Applicants must contact a potential project supervisor at LSHTM by email to discuss options in advance of submitting an application for this studentship.
The studentship recipient may be required to submit paperwork (reports etc) to the Wellcome Trust at regular intervals. If these are required the scholarships team or Wellcome Trust will contact the student directly with instructions.
An additional allowance of GBP 1,000.00 is available towards fieldwork expenses. The award recipient should discuss plans for fieldwork and spend in advance with Prof Alex Mold.
Award recipients agree to acknowledge the funding body providing the funds for their research in all publications (including posters).
Additional information
The research degree regulations and the research degree handbook can be found on the regulatory documents pages.