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Making an application for US loans

To apply for US federal loans for London-based MSc or research degree courses, please follow the application instructions below. Continuing students will need to follow this procedure for each academic year that they require US loans. 

Any questions relating to the below instructions should be directed to the Tuition Fees team.

Students enrolled on the LSHTM and Nagasaki University Joint PhD Programme for Global Health are unable to borrow Federal Direct Loans. These students are still able to borrow private loans.

Direct loans

Step 1 - Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)  

You must first complete the FAFSA. FAFSA applications can be completed online at the US Department of Education's FAFSA website.

LSHTM is listed as University of London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and our school code G22100.

Step 2 - Complete the Master Promissory Notes (MPNs)

You must complete an Unsubsidized Loan MPN and, if applying for a PLUS, loan the PLUS Loan MPN at the (MPN) website.

Step 3 - Complete the PLUS loan application (if applying for the Direct Graduate PLUS loan)

The PLUS loan application should be completed on the (PLUS) website.

The US Department of Education conducts a credit check as part of the PLUS loan application process.

  • If you have an adverse credit history, you will not be eligible to borrow a PLUS loan unless you obtain an endorser or successfully appeal the credit decision.
  • If you obtain an endorser or successfully appeal the credit decision, you will also be required to complete the PLUS Credit Counselling (this is in addition to completing entrance counselling – see step 4).

Step 4 - Complete your entrance counselling 

Complete your entrance counselling at the website.

Step 5 - Complete the LSHTM US loans cover sheet

This will include your personal details, how much you wish to borrow and details of any other funding you have secured. Please download the cover sheet for the relevant academic year:

Step 6 - Send your completed LSHTM US loans cover sheet

Email your completed cover sheet to the Tuition Fees team in the Registry (, making sure that you've completed all of the steps listed above. Loans cannot be certified until the cover sheet has been received by the Tuition Fees team.

Private loans

If applying for a private loan please apply via your chosen lender. If you are applying for a combination of both private and federal loans, you must also include the details of the private loan on your LSHTM US loans cover sheet.

Additional information

Please note that your loan(s) cannot be certified until you have received and accepted an offer of admission or have already enrolled as a student at the School. 

Once your completed LSHTM US loans cover sheet has been received your loan application will be assessed and we will contact you with details of your loan award.

You will be provided with a letter confirming the details of your loan(s) that can be used as financial evidence for your visa application.

If you require a visa and will be dependent on federal loans for your financial evidence, it is advisable not to apply for the visa until the loans have been certified and you have received the above mentioned letter.