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series event

Estimating antibiotic consumption, access and use around the world

This seminar brings together research reports with policy processes to present some of the latest data and latest plans to capture estimates of antibiotic consumption, access and use around the world.

Antibiotics in a clinic dispensary in Harare, Zimbabwe. Photo credit: Justin Dixon
Antibiotics in a clinic dispensary in Harare, Zimbabwe. Photo credit: Justin Dixon

Concerns of rising antibiotic resistance (AMR) have increased attention to the volume of antibiotics used across different settings. Capturing information on the extent, distribution, types and nature of antibiotic use are essential for planning efforts to optimise antibiotic use. Efforts to capture this information have taken different forms, from global modelling based on existing datasets to submission of information from governments to global platforms to collection of granular data at the community level.  

In this seminar, Professor Christiane Dolecek will present the findings of a study that incorporates antibiotic usage and consumption data and utilises statistical modelling techniques to estimate antibiotic consumption for 204 countries from 2000 to 2018.  

Dr Do Thi Thuy Nga will present findings of the AntiBiotic ACcess and Use (ABACUS I) project aimed at comparing community-based antibiotic access and consumption practices across communities in Low-to-Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) in Asia (Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam) and Africa (Mozambique, Ghana and Republic of South Africa).  

Dr Verica Ivanovska of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) team on surveillance of antimicrobial use in the AMR Division will then present the coordinated efforts and resources for antibiotic surveillance as well as upcoming plans for surveillance of antibiotics at community level.  

The panel will then discuss the future of antibiotic surveillance globally. 


Dr Do Thi Thuy Nga, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU)

Dr Do Thi Thuy Nga is a post-doctoral researcher at OUCRU in Hanoi, Vietnam with 10 year-experience working on the field of AMR. She was a national coordinator of the Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP) in Vietnam to bring the issue of AMR into the policy arena in LMICs. She has successfully completed a large randomised controlled trial to demonstrate that C-reactive protein can reduce the use of antibiotics, pivotal work to advance the AMR and diagnostic agenda globally. Currently, she is involved with community-based studies targeting inappropriate antibiotic use in community in LMICs.

Professor Christiane Dolecek, Oxford Centre for Global Health Research and the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit

Professor Christiane Dolecek is a senior Clinical Scientist at the Oxford Centre for Global Health Research and the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit. She is scientific lead of the Global Burden of Disease – Antimicrobial Resistance (GRAM) project, which applies statistical methods to estimate global antibiotic consumption over time and to generate accurate and timely estimates of the magnitude and trends in antimicrobial resistance burden across the world. Beyond AMR, Christiane’s clinical research focuses on tropical diseases, in particular enteric fever and malaria.  

Dr Verica Ivanovska, WHO

Dr Verica Ivanovska is a technical officer at WHO Geneva. She is part of the team within the AMR Surveillance, Prevention and Control Department that coordinates the technical work on surveillance of AMR and antimicrobial consumption, including the Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS). Dr Ivanovska is a clinical pharmacist and pharmaco-epidemiologist, and has experience in building capacity at country level for monitoring antimicrobial consumption and improving the access and use of medicines. 

Please note that the recording link will be listed on this page when available 


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