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series event

​​Health insurance and access to health for people with disabilities: Experiences from Thailand and Peru during COVID-19 and beyond

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This webinar discusses people with disabilities’ access to health insurance in Peru and Thailand and its association with unmet health needs. It also explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to healthcare amongst people with disabilities, including financial and non-financial barriers to receiving required care during peaks of the pandemic, and the role of health insurance and other forms of social protection in ensuring continued access. 

​​People with disabilities often have a higher need for healthcare compared to people without disabilities. In addition to general healthcare needs (e.g., primary care, routine vaccination, sexual and reproductive healthcare), many people with disabilities require additional services such as rehabilitation and assistive devices. However, people with disabilities often have high unmet needs for required healthcare or face impoverishing spending when they access healthcare. 

​Social protection for health, including health insurance, is important for improving access to health and financial protection when seeking care. However, few studies have explored access to health insurance amongst people with disabilities and its role in improving access to healthcare.  

​International sign language interpretation will be available. 


  • ​​Rodrigo Vargas Fernández, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peru) 
  • ​Francisco Diez Canseco, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (Peru) 
  • ​Shaheda Viriyathorn, International Health Policy Program (Thailand) 
  • ​Thipyaporn Khempila, International Health Policy Program (Thailand) 
  • ​Morgon Banks, International Centre for Evidence in Disability, LSHTM


Free and open to all, online. No registration required.


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