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series event

ICED Conference 2019

ICED Conference

We invite you to join the 3rd International Conference on Disability and Development.

The Conference will take place at the International Centre for Evidence in Disability (ICED), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK and will be co-hosted by ICED and Sightsavers, in partnership with CBM, Action for Disability and Development (ADD), and Help Age International, and supported by DFID.

The Conference seeks to bring together people with an interest in research and evidence from around the world to discuss and debate Evidence in Disability Inclusive Development.

The focus will be on new research findings, methodologies and tools and implications of evidence for policy and practice. All those with a strong interest in better collection of disability data and use of evidence in decision-making are very welcome to attend. This event is particularly relevant for researchers and policymakers. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to participate.

Participants will have the opportunity to attend keynote addresses from international experts, and contribute to panel discussions, training workshops and oral and poster presentations. Find the Conference programme and keynote speakers here.


Topics for the conference will include:

  • What evidence exists on “What Works” (and what does not) in disability-inclusive development

  • Assessing needs and unmet needs for disability inclusive development

  • Methodological approaches and issues in collecting data to inform disability-inclusive development

  • How do we use evidence in order to inform disability-inclusive development?


£50 – applicants from low and middle income settings, or UK research students
£100 – applicants from high income settings


* Please note we may ask you to show passport or other proof of nationality on arrival if you book this ticket type to validate this.

For further information please contact us at: 


Register here


Due to the nature of our building, space for wheelchairs in the John Snow Lecture theatre is limited. If you require a wheelchair space please email to check availability.


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Booking required

