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series event

​​Poverty and Disability: What can the evidence tell us on how these conditions are related? ​

Green slide with LSHTM Event in white text

During this seminar, the speaker will discuss the evidence of disability and multidimensional poverty around the globe. The results use data from more than 40 countries around the globe to analyse if households with a member with disability present higher levels of multidimensional poverty than households without members with disabilities. ​

Attendees will learn about the relationship between disability and multidimensional poverty around the globe. 

The event is open to students, academics, persons with disabilities, NGOs, and those interested in these topics. ​


Mónica Pinilla-Roncancio, Universidad de los Andes in Bogota

Mónica Pinilla-Roncancio is an Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the Sustainable Development Goals Research Centre at Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. ​Monica holds a Doctorate in Social Policy from the University of Birmingham, UK. She has worked in different countries in Latin America and Africa on topics related to disability, poverty, social protection and social inclusion. ​ 


Please note that due to technical issues, the recording starts 5 minutes into the talk.


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