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Information for borrowers & potential borrowers

As the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine receives Title IV funding, US federal regulations require that the following consumer information is provided to prospective and current students.

For any queries, please contact the Tuition Fees team in Registry at: or +44 (0)207 299 4782.

General information on US loans, including how to apply, cost of attendance (CoA), loan disbursements, and terms and conditions, can be found on the LSHTM US loan pages.

Information on the courses available at LSHTM and the application process can be found on the Study section of the LSHTM website.

Continuing students
Continuing students at LSHTM requiring US loans over the duration of their studies must complete the same loan application process for each year a loan is required.

Disability information
Information regarding disability support is provided by Student Support Services

Students should be aware that any related costs can be included in their Cost of Attendance when applying for Federal or private loans.

Fees and refunds

Tuition fee rates and the LSHTM tuition fees policy can be found here.

Students receiving US Federal direct loans are able to pay tuition fees over 3 instalments, in line with the loan disbursements – see the Direct loan disbursements page for further information.

Gainful Employment
LSHTM only awards degrees (postgraduate including both Masters and Doctoral qualifications). These courses are not Gainful Employment (GE) programs; therefore reporting requirements under Gainful Employment legislation are not required.

Interruption of studies
An authorised absence during a course of study is referred to as an Interruption of Studies (IoS).

Students are not considered as being enrolled during an IoS and will need to have their Cost of Attendance (CoA) recalculated.

An approved IoS period of 180 days or less will be reported to NSLDS, as an approved leave of absence for the duration. An IoS over 180 days will be reported to NSLDS as a withdrawal for federal loan purposes, and RT24 procedures will apply.

Any student receiving federal student aid who wishes to take an IoS should contact the Tuition Fees Manager.

Loan information
For information relating to your loans, including interest rates, maximum loan limits, origination fees, repayment options, deferment/forbearance and useful contact details, please see the Federal Student Aid website.

Maximum course duration
Students receiving US Federal loans at LSHTM must complete their studies with a period no longer than 150% of the published length of the program.

NSLDS/loan deferment
If you take out a federal loan at LSHTM, we will submit the details of your enrolment to NSLDS and this data will be accessible to guaranty agencies, lenders and schools determined to be authorised users of the data system.

Preferred lenders list
LSHTM does not endorse, promote or recommend any preferred US based Private Education Loan provider. At the time of publication of this information Sallie Mae is the only  Private Education Loan Provider that will provide loans to students at Foreign Schools. 

Price of attendance
Tuition fees and expenses for each academic year are published on our website. LSHTM does not require students to purchase essential books and supplies, as these are available via our IT and library services.  Any purchases are optional.

Information regarding accommodation can be found here.

Information on the cost of living in London and budgeting can be found here.

Information on the cost of transport in London can be found on the TfL website.

Privacy of student records
The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not apply in the UK. However, the UK has similar legislation designed to protect personal data in a similar way, as detailed in the LSHTM Data Protection Policy.

Repayment normally starts 6 months after completion of the course, withdrawing or dropping below 50% attendance. 

There are no early repayment penalties on any of these loans.

Find out more about loan repayment, grace period and consolidating loans.

Please note that split-study students may be required to start repaying their loan whilst not enrolled between their two periods of registration.

Right to review your student educational record
Please contact the Student Records team in Registry if you wish to review your educational record.

Tax Forms (1098-T)
The IRS uses Form 1098-T to identify eligible expenses for education credits.

Following registration and payment of fees, LSHTM can produce a 1098-T statement letter. This can be requested from (students not borrowing loans through LSHTM should include their student number, SSN, and course of study in their request).

Further information for students can be found on the IRS website.

Most US students will require a visa to study in the UK.  For further details please see the relevant LSHTM visas and immigration web pages and the UK government's UK Visas & Immigration guidance.

If you need to apply for a visa and are dependent on Federal Aid or a Sallie Mae private loan for proof of funds it is advisable not to apply for the visa until you have received a letter confirming your loans and disbursement amounts and dates.

Withdrawal policy
Please view the LSHTM withdrawal policy and guidance.

Please also see the LSHTM R2T4 policy.

Any student receiving federal student aid who wishes to withdraw should also inform the Tuition Fees Manager immediately.