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Private Loans

LSHTM can certify applications for both Federal Direct Loans and private US loans for MSc and research degree courses. Loans for courses starting 2019/20 will be certified from June 2019 onwards.

Please note that the LSHTM cannot certify loans for students registered on distance learning courses.

We will certify private loans up to the cost of attendance (CoA). It is also possible to borrow a combination of private and federal loans, up to the maximum CoA.

If you wish to apply for a private loan please work through the steps below.

Choose a lender

The US Department of Education suggests that students apply for federal loans first before applying for private loans. The only private US lender that we are currently aware of providing loans to US students studying at foreign institutions is Sallie Mae.

We suggest that you review all potential federal or private loans carefully, including the loan details and repayment obligations for each, before choosing which loan(s) would best suit your personal situation and loan requirements. 

When speaking to your lender you should quote our Federal School Code, which is G22100. We are listed as 'University of London: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine'. 

Apply for your loan

Please follow your chosen lender's application process, in addition to sending an email to the Tuiton Fees team to confirm the following details:

  • The name of your chosen lender.
  • The loan amount requested.
  • Details of any other funding  that you have been awarded for your course (loans, scholarships or sponsorship).

What happens next

Once you have emailed the Tuition Fees team with the above details and we have received notification from your lender, the loan will be certified by LSHTM up to the value of the cost of attendance. Once certified, you will be contacted by your lender directly.

Your lender will provide you with documentation confirming the loan, which can be used as financial evidence in your visa application.

Please note that your loan cannot be certified until you have received and accepted an offer of admission, or already enrolled as a student at LSHTM.

Receiving your loan

Your lender will send a USD cheque to LSHTM according to the disbursement date we set up on your loan (this is usually timed so that the cheque will arrive at the start of the course/academic year). We will notify you once the cheque has arrived and instruct you to attend the LSHTM Finance Office in order to endorse it, after you have registered on your course. The cheque will be paid into the LSHTM GBP bank account. Once cleared, the funds will be used to pay your tuition fees. Any remaining funds will be paid to you in GBP by cheque, or to your UK bank account (if this has been set up).

This process will take a number of weeks, so we advise that you ensure you have sufficient funds to cover your travel and living expenses for approximately 6 weeks after your arrival at LSHTM.

Further information

If you have any other questions or require further information please contact the Tuition Fees team at